Example sentences of "we assume " in BNC.

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1 First , we assume that the neonate 's input systems deliver up more-or-less true information about the external world , telling a six-week-old , say , that although the ‘ retinal ’ image of a square piece of cardboard changes to a trapezium when it or the baby moves sideways , the shape really remains square , and enabling it to discriminate between changes in angle and changes in orientation .
2 But to begin with this assumption is to by-pass , rather than explain , the mystery of perception as it presents itself to us if we assume that perception occurs because the perceived object impinges directly or indirectly upon the nervous system .
3 ‘ . If we assume — and it is probably the right assumption — that students can no longer easily read isolated literary texts , but need to make sense of them in a variety of contexts , much power is given to the teacher who decides which are the relevant cultural codes to be invoked and expounded ; Marxists , at least , are specific on the matter .
4 Not only are the results of such ‘ on site ’ studies of immense value for what we assume they tell us about the role of our body clock in affecting mental performance , but they also serve two further roles .
5 To take a simple example : if we assume that the force of gravity permeates the whole material universe and that it is inversely proportional to the square of the distance between any two atoms anywhere , then two interesting propositions arise .
6 We assume that every pattern has a meaning .
7 To change this attitude , if we assume for a moment that we would wish to change it , would either require a change in fundamental attitude or some form of new legislation .
8 Too often we assume that others want exactly what we want or need those things we find easiest to deliver .
9 As only a few questionnaires were returned we assume you are giving us carte blanche to handle the newsletter as we feel fit !
10 1.26 The 1988 Act requires the Secretaries of State to revise the curriculum from time to time ; we assume that NCC and CCW , among others , will advise them on this , and that such revision will include attainment targets , the allocation of statements of attainment to levels , programmes of study and methods of assessment .
11 When we are young , we assume that if only we can get the circumstances of our lives right , then we will automatically be happy .
12 But is this so , even in a context , which we assume throughout , in which the parent or guardian has been fully informed and can make a rational decision ?
13 When we find that the experience of unemployment makes people more likely to contemplate breaking an unjust law , we assume that the reasons for this are general ; we suppose that the increased likelihood would operate for anyone who happened to undergo the experience of unemployment .
14 Either we assume that the whole universe is at the present moment in a very improbable state .
15 Or else we assume that the aeons during which the improbable state lasts , and the distance from here to Sirius , are minute if compared with the age and size of the whole universe .
16 ( We assume the correct printer driver has been loaded . )
17 Even if we assume a 50/50 split that means a lot of our behaviour is learned and pliable .
18 If we assume that for various reasons promotion within six months is not possible , all or some of the interests might be met in alternative ways .
19 If we assume that ducks peek randomly , briefly and independently of each other then the probability of the flock detecting a randomly attacking cat is given by P = 1 — e where n is the flock size .
20 But one we assume in the derivation of the precise result for h/Ne 2 , with which experiment agrees very well .
21 This ability is accounted for most simply if we assume that the recruits have mental maps of the surroundings on which they somehow ‘ place ’ the spots indicated by the dances .
22 It will be seen that g' is dependent upon two variables , the rate of profit ( i.e. , the social rate of profit p' ) and the proportion of surplus-value consumed unproductively. if we assume , as in more orthodox models , that savings equals investment — and that investment and accumulation are analogous — then we can see that savings are a result and not a precondition .
23 We assume what the young reader is perceiving .
24 How little do we know of nature 's processes and how much we assume .
25 Even with those creatures we assume to be our closest animal relatives , the chimpanzees and the great apes , we are forced into interpreting their signs and signals according to our own mental patterns .
26 The reason these worries pose such a problem in marriage relationships is that if we feel insignificant we assume we are unworthy of love and are afraid of the vulnerability that comes with complete openness and honesty .
27 Usually , we assume that dad will be the tallest , mum the next tallest and so on , but of course this may not be so and unless we know the family there may be little point in exploring the idea .
28 In the final section of Chapter 6 , we construct a simple model of inflation in which we assume that all prices are cost-plus prices .
29 To do this , we assume that all firms determine their prices by adding a profit margin to the cost of a unit of output .
30 ‘ Though we have seen much of the liberality of Nevada practice , ’ he told them , ‘ we assume that even in that forward-looking jurisdiction , parties to a case of divorce may not litigate by day and copulate by night . ’
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