Example sentences of "word that " in BNC.

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1 They are words that can be made to mean different things , and are applicable as such to the story of Jaromil 's poetic progress from private to public , which can also be recognised as a simultaneity of the two , based on an enduring self-engrossment .
2 Jenny is nice about the mess , but disturbed by what he tells her — in words that call to mind the language , and the drift , of this poem and others by Larkin , and of passages in Larkin 's fiction where Jack is denied his Jill .
3 We can not explain the motivations of Romeo in terms of today 's values , but we can bring a contemporary handling to the words that will make the imagery blaze afresh each time it is spoken .
4 This vision lies behind nominalism , which claims that it is the mind 's capacity for creating general words that creates the illusion of generality in the world itself .
5 For example , one surface dyslexic can accurately define the irregular words that he regularizes in pronunciation tasks ( for instance , pronouncing ‘ colonel ’ as ‘ COL-OH-NELL ’ ) .
6 Tel. 071–272 1266 ) may be able to arrange for someone to conduct a non-religious ceremony , or can send a form of words that could be used ( leaflets are available from these organisations on receipt of an sae ) .
7 My Proposition , embracing The House of the Dead , Notes from Underground , Crime and Punishment , The Possessed , Karamazov , and , negatively , by way of relative failure , The Idiot , is that Dostoevsky could only promote his dearest values by creeping up on their blind side : in other words that he had an urge towards crisis and clarity which he could only satisfy by yielding it to the enemy — to the horror of the flogging routine in the ‘ Thy kingdom come ’ episode in the Dead House at one chronological extreme , and to Ivan Karamazov 's showdown with the Religion Swindle at the other .
8 Certainly in recent years Pound 's interest in mystery-cults has been more than antiquarian ; in ‘ was Erigena ours ? ’ he asks whether the philosopher Scotus Erigena was one of the Eleusinian brotherhood , and ‘ ours ’ can be given full weight — Noel Stock goes so far as to claim ( op. cit. p.22 ) that some of the obscurity of these later Cantos is deliberate and arcane — ‘ he writes about them as an initiate in words that are both ‘ published and not published ’ … ’ .
9 It is entirely possible to think that if ‘ literary ’ and ‘ aesthetic ’ are words that go naturally with ‘ American ’ but not with ‘ English ’ , so much the worse for the English .
10 In all the many thousands of words that have been expended on Eliot 's achievements , this crucial matter — his alertness to , and exploiting of , the rhythms of the English verse-line — remains a vacuum , occupied only by unsupported and insupportable appeals to ‘ the ear ’ .
11 At the siege of Harfleur , it is Henry 's words that lead directly to the surrender of the town .
12 Already there are suggestions from Australia that the Raiders ' post-Grand Final party lasted all the way to Manchester , in other words that their preparation for the game was not as dedicated as it might have been .
13 ‘ The most difficult thing in a situation like this , ’ says Jacques , ‘ is to find words that have n't been used already in a Feydeau farce , ’ as though imitating Feydeau 's words and situations was something that any fool could do .
14 As he was found guilty of having intercourse with a girl of under 16 years of age , logic surely draws the conclusion that if she is unable to testify in court , she is unable to give informed consent to sexual intercourse ; in other words that the grounds on which the charge was dropped should have been the grounds on which rape was proven .
15 The main shift , however , is in the new emphasis the White Paper is bound to place on intervention and regulation , words that have been regarded as mostly unpalatable in Tory conference debates over the past decade .
16 The last words that I heard were , ‘ Good night , Piper , I shall leave the door open . ’
17 At the airport , he replied to interviewers with words that were memorably misreported as being : ‘ Crisis — what crisis ? ’
18 It becomes more difficult each year to find words that will reflect the invaluable help given to the Association by the young people of the Air Training Corps and the Girls Venture Corps Air Cadets .
19 Finally , he is drawn to the essence of Muir 's genius which he sees as that of ‘ the sensibility of the remote islander ’ , and the words that follow give one final transformation of the savage and city motif , when he describes Muir as ‘ the boy from a simple primitive offshore community who then was plunged into the sordid horror of industrialism in Glasgow , who struggled to understand the modern world of the metropolis in London …
20 These objections imply that technology can not be a guide to other aspects of society , or in other words that there is no inevitable association between technology and other aspects of society .
21 Charles could not , but sent a message instead ; not the tame few words that Woodward had drafted for him , but something much more forthright :
22 And is n't it the case that real MOR — the stuff that sells , boys — has words that are anodyne too , that reinforce commonsense views of normality and ( human ) nature ?
23 On the other hand , foreign words that already end in s , x or z — all legitimate plural endings in French — are now to remain invariable .
24 She bit Doyle 's fingers and jerked her mouth free of them , shouting the words that came into her head .
25 Christopher knew it and was able to send him away with words that showed a very personal friendliness .
26 but Psalm 106.33 says , ‘ … for they ’ ( that is the people ) ‘ made his spirit bitter , and he spoke words that were rash ’ ( the verse does not mention Aaron ) , while most significantly of all Deuteronomy 32.5 1 speaks of Moses and Aaron ‘ breaking faith ’ with God in the midst of the people , and of their ‘ not revering him as holy ’ .
27 Ogilvy was addicted to words that the straight-talking huckster-style admen of the day would blink at .
28 The lips were moving , shaping words that had no sound .
29 Almost as frightening was the bellow of Buddie 's voice when it grew huge and powerful with anger , and the shouted words that struck like blows to make Frankie flinch and tremble .
30 Words with which he hoped to defend himself against imagined conspiracies , actual confession , real Guilts , and words that would too explicitly , too protestingly deny too much of the substance of his own present thoughts as he looked at the girl and his own former behaviour with many , many more of her kind .
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