Example sentences of "fact [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The New Economic Policy , or NEP , was obviously a reversal of the naturalisation of economics that had been a fact during the period of ‘ war communism ’ , and which Bukharin had lauded in The Economics .
2 In fact during my time in the army I learnt to enjoy and respect it .
3 though in fact during that time the unfolding story of the public regulation of the urban environment has been far from one of even continuity .
4 In fact during so-called modernization from 1861–75 there was actually an increase in the already unfavourable ratio of inhabitants per square metre of living space .
5 It might be , I think in actual fact during your er , I think it might be a waste of time , but I think it 's probably advisable to try and find out a bit more about this
6 They write in fact as if they were 60 , not 30 or 40 .
7 Aged 28 , Lesley claims not to be a natural competitor and in fact as a teenager dropped out of a PE teacher training course as she felt it made sport too serious and took the fun away .
8 Paul speaks of love in terms of behaviour , in fact as a commitment to behave in a certain kind of way .
9 I do n't think the theatre 's ever been endowed with a great deal of fundings but one or two companies in the town that have been prepared to fund obviously the one that strikes me is Gilbey 's cos the Gilbey bar I mean that was funded and like they 've been over the years they have given money even fact as a sad note cos Gilbey 's have actually demised now erm General Portfolio have actually taken on the role in Harlow of funding many things if you actually look all most things that have sponsored until recently have been sponsored by General Portfolio so they 've been to the fore in er fundering funding .
10 Gauntlett cites this last fact as evidence to support a pet theory .
11 It is not entirely global ; it admits that knowledge is possible , e.g. that you can know that p → q , and indeed uses this fact as a lever .
12 His tone as matter of fact as if he spoke of arrangements for a day 's shooting .
13 Marxists and feminists are inclined to see this familiar fact as a form of exploitation , and the current fashion is to be particularly scornful of the honour that is supposed to accrue to the unpaid housewife .
14 There 's not very much really formal management train in fact as an employer , is , is really rather good compared with most people we come across .
15 What he 's asking for is that any references to that particular disastrous day is not referred to as Black Wednesday , but in fact as Devaluation Day .
16 My Lord that is in dispute , it is in dispute firstly that in fact as a matter of fact , Mr had ever held himself out to be an experienced man er of business , that Peter believed him to be as such , er and in any event , even if he was to seem as such it is the plaintiff 's case that there was still a duty upon the solicitor in that situation .
17 So the second factor that the Prime Minister overlooked is that the existing chamber in Strasbourg is simply not large enough to accommodate the extra numbers of Euro MPs who will be elected to the European parliament , not so much as a result of the Edinburgh agreement , but in fact as a result of the er enlargement that is in prospect .
18 They really only showed the official part of today 's procession and cut it pretty speedily , in fact as the more alarmist banners started to come into view .
19 He told them : ‘ Well , Peter Gregson revealed all the facts during his marathon appearance before the Public Accounts Committee on Monday .
20 Basic facts for all families with children
21 I took advantage of these facts for my purposes .
22 And although we now know the facts for many species of animals , it is important to point out that for many more we still have only the crudest knowledge of their grouping behaviour .
23 If possible , know your colleagues ' views ; form your own opinions based on sound facts for which you are able to give convincing reasons in a straightforward manner .
24 Get the facts for yourself now by calling our databank service on 0800 373270 .
25 ‘ I needed to check the facts for myself — and have done so .
26 Cultural differences are often the hardest facts for expatriates to accept .
27 Provided the problem comes within the Ombudsman 's orbit , he will look into all the facts for you and will inform you of his decision , together with his reasons .
28 Officials in the Ministry wrote to the BEA for the ‘ facts for next year 's campaign ’ against the Treasury , and were thought by the BEA officials ‘ quite genuinely to be trying to fight our battle ’ .
29 The method used is one where the development of skills and ideas takes precedence over the accumulation of academic facts for their own sake .
30 By virtue of s.47(1) it is an offence for any person , inter alia , to dishonestly conceal any material facts if he conceals those facts for the purpose of inducing , or is reckless as to whether it may induce , any other person to enter or to offer to enter into , or to refrain from entering or offering to enter into , an investment agreement or to exercise , or refrain from exercising , any rights conferred by an investment .
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