Example sentences of "other a " in BNC.

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1 We gave each other a long hug .
2 His two profoundly moving ballets , Gloria and Requiem , the one a poem for lost youth and hope through the onset of war and the other a song of mourning and praise for a departed friend , stand and fall by theaudience 's response to their message and not to the pre-eminence of a star .
3 Then at least two programme trades , one a buy and sell mix and the other a buy exercise , steadied the market .
4 Here were two future leaders of the Church of England , the one a man of supreme common sense , the other a mystic ; the one a conservative and establishment-man , the other a liberal and a reformer — they were fated never to understand each other .
5 When the conference opened , a couple of members of the League of Empire Loyalists , one a journalist and the other a chiropodist , hired eastern bishops ' flowing robes from a theatrical costumier , walked in unchallenged , and got up to make a speech against the ‘ archterrorist ’ Makarios .
6 put it in the shop window in New York on St Patrick 's Day along with forty shades of green paperweights , the lacquered shillelaghs , and the wonderful world of deedeelee eedeelee eedeelee Irishness ; skipping dancing jolly little leprechauns in bright buckled shoes and battered hatted bow legged bright red drunken faced gombeen men with little devils in their laughing Irish eyes , mischievous gossipy white haired old women with shawls , pure white skinned colleens skipping carefree through green fields dutifully ready to return in an instant to domestic chores , strapping athletic lads with fine belts and sturdy boots ever willing to put in a fair day 's work or hit each other a clout .
7 He had never had a dog and now that one of his daughters was married and the other a student at drama school , he saw no reason why he should ever give one house-room .
8 Each generation contains two quarks and two leptons , of which one is an electron or something like it and the other a neutrino .
9 Just as well they have something else in common : they have known each other a long time , and are all good friends .
10 But why is one a ‘ mode ’ , and the other a ‘ substance ’ ?
11 But presumably they ran back to the bluegums , carrying in one arm a pair of trousers and in the other a fishing rod .
12 One puppet was a priest , and the other a penitent :
13 In one hand Emily had a glass with half an inch of darkish liquid in the bottom , and in the other a plate of shortbread biscuits .
14 Shrewsbury , the Sorbonne and Pembroke College , Oxford , enabled me , or so I thought , to pass for white , although of my grandfathers one had been a railwayman on the London and Northwestern and the other a clerk in Bristol Gas Works .
15 ‘ Let's give each other a chance . ’
16 ‘ We 've only known each other a year . ’
17 The massed volumes that take up the wall next to the window are evidence of the research I did for my first and second books : one a dual biography of two late Victorian figures , the politician George Wyndham and the poet and political campaigner Wilfred Scawen Blunt ; the other a life of the Edwardian Prime Minister Arthur Balfour .
18 His wife had died just over a year earlier ; one of his daughters was a teacher in Tel Aviv , the other a painter , and Shlomo Green was himself a sculptor of some distinction .
19 She carries under one arm her folder of lecture notes , and under the other a bundle of books from which to read illustrative quotations .
20 Too many couples do n't make each other a priority ; work , kids , everything else comes first .
21 The men in the Toms family support each other a great deal ; none of them show any disapproval of Sandy 's lifestyle .
22 All this was foreshadowed at the height of the war and in the heart of the Fens by the testimonies of two passionate and knowledgeable countrymen , one a bird-watcher , the other a farmer .
23 and before them a knight of great stature upon a white horse with a bloody cross , who bore in one hand a white banner , and in the other a sword which seemed to be of fire , and he made a great mortality among the Moors who were flying .
24 At their first meetings in Bristol during the autumn of 1795 each had at once recognized in the other a man of extraordinary abilities .
25 One of the Luftwaffe men was an officer and the other a Feldwebel .
26 Normally one of these materials is a semiconductor and the other a metal .
27 The craft would also relay two new channels , one run by a commercial organisation and the other a subscription service that TDF would run .
28 When I grew up , young people had various ways of intimating to each other a desire to become better acquainted , but playing footsie-footsie was not generally one of them .
29 Although we certainly want to give each other a basis for anticipation , nothing could be more boring than having sex scheduled for every Tuesday night .
30 In this time of cuts , and insecurity , is it not time that local authorities lost their insular image , approached their neighbours , exchanged ideas , pooled resources , and generally helped each other a lot more ?
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