Example sentences of "hold [was/were] " in BNC.

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1 An extremely influential protagonist of the view that these arguments still hold was Harry Braverman , whose book , Labor and Monopoly Capital : The Degradation of Work in the Twentieth Century ( 1974 ) , gave birth to a sunrise industry of scholars engaging in development and critique of his argument .
2 The trousers he was holding were the ones he 'd been wearing at Streatley the previous weekend .
3 I made him close to forty years old and that meant the stubby Mauser he was holding was in good hands .
4 What do you think that disk you are holding was ?
5 While the Romans are described as being tributary , it seems that the lands which had originally been granted to free-born Franks had been exempt from tax , and that the Franks subsequently assumed that any lands which they came to hold were similarly exempt .
6 But at least as far as the church is concerned , a conservative believes that what place a woman should hold was made known in the past and stands for all time .
7 The adverse act required under Morris did not mean that the prosecution had to prove that the appropriation was not done with the authority of the owner because so to hold was inconsistent with Lawrence .
8 The jails where the demonstrators were held were deluged with letters and Christmas food parcels .
9 The years 1548 — 9 were years of English reversal , as the fortresses they held were recovered .
10 The clinical grading structure could give rise to some difficulties in deciding whether previous posts held were equivalent or higher than the new grades and it would be advisable to clarify your position at interview .
11 The jobs they held were either evening/weekend ones ( and so part-time ) or vacation ones .
12 The high regard with which the instructor force was held was best summed up by the comment that , ‘ Instructors are good professionals but not so sophisticated as to bemuse the trainees ’ .
13 The high esteem in which he was held was shown at his funeral where a tribute to his great accomplishments for deaf education in Leeds was paid by the Director of Education for the district .
14 However , the recognition which is generally held was that the increase in the criminal statistics was because police and public alike were more willing to bring charges against young offenders because of the reshaping of the court system towards help and reformation , rather than punishment .
15 The barn where it was held was owned by a local farmer , John Ellis , and if Kate knew anything about it , he had known exactly what was going on .
16 The cell where he was held was , like a prison cell in a spaghetti western , built of mud .
17 But the woman he had held was dust in a sea-girt grave , his love buried with her .
18 The question of whether a national conference should be held was reportedly also under discussion .
19 The only card she held was her disguise .
20 The belief they held was that the resort was a ‘ dream city ’ in that everyone who came on holiday there had the wish to live there permanently .
21 You will remember the election at Fulham in the autumn of 1933 , when a seat which the National Government held was lost by about 7,000 votes on no issue but the pacifist …
22 The particular need for nursing staff in the mental handicap held was the subject of a DHSS Committee of Inquiry .
23 The book it held was indeed a Bible .
24 Whereas the total value of inventories held was 27% of Gross Domestic Product ( GDP ) at factor cost in 1991 , the annual change was -0.9% of GDP .
25 The total value of research funds held was almost £3 Million and a total of 243 research publications were produced , 138 of them in the Department of Biological and Molecular Sciences .
26 The proportion of stock they held was , respectively 11.5 per cent , 6.3 per cent , 10.2 per cent and 7.7 per cent .
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