Example sentences of "call it " in BNC.

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1 Well , my first job came during four weeks of my last term at RADA when I had applied and been chosen for a television play called It 's Too Late to Talk to Billy which was set in Belfast — which is where I came from originally .
2 That , wrote Harsnet , is part of the reason why I have chosen glass and not canvas or wood , that is why in my notes I have called it a delay in glass , which is to say a refusal of shit .
3 We have a management plan now - and we have n't called it that before .
4 CHRIS PATTEN 'S decision is not quite the fudge that Lord Northfield , the developers ' chairman , called it yesterday .
5 So the song ‘ Sunday Papers ’ has had to go ( 'I re-wrote the lyrics for the last tour - called it ‘ Monday Papers ’ .
6 The bus stops again at the Kensington Hilton , a hotel so much on the edge of Kensington that had it been built 10 feet to the west , they should have called it the Shepherds Bush Hilton .
7 They never wavered in describing the issue as extremely important for their voting decision : 64 per cent called it extremely important in the first week and 63 per cent in the last .
8 When an anti-tubercular campaign was initiated by the cell , the peasants called it the ‘ tubercular tax ’ , because money gathering methods were applied .
9 Roddick merely called it ‘ self-financing ’ , because she did n't have the capital to do it any other way .
10 Vandalism , the council called it .
11 In such cases melatonin might be some sort of ‘ darkness indicator ’ and some have even called it an ‘ internal time-cue ’ .
12 The American golf historian Herb Warren Wind has called it the greatest bunker shot in all championship play .
13 First on the scene , a showy horse , a Palomino — the locals called it the cardboard horse .
14 George Borrow , in The Bible in Spain , called it ‘ the genuine spirit of localism , .
15 Only the longing for meat ( some commentators have called it a lust , but the Hebrew does not pass that judgement ) , the claim that their appetite is gone , or their throats are dry , or , as the RSV has it , their strength is dried up ( the Hebrew will sustain all those translations ) , and an unspecified complaining about their misfortunes .
16 Nevertheless it is instructive that the Christians of the ‘ great church ’ ( as a pagan writer , Celsus , called it c. 177–80 ) thought in this way about unity in diversity .
17 But one can be too political about mission , or the work of preaching , as contemporary churchmen would have called it .
18 When he had told Casey about it , his mentor and guardian and sponsor had supposedly called it ‘ the ultimate irony ’ .
19 ‘ This is also a story of courage and compassion ’ said Owen , objecting to the fact that Inouye had called it ‘ sad and sordid ’ : ‘ caring and sharing ’ — ‘ of doing what is right , and dying for a cause ’ .
20 Well , a few years back someone else not far away opened a late-night disco and also called it the House of Music !
21 A twentieth century writer on church architecture called it a ‘ pretentious pseudo-classical building ’ whose principal feature was the famous ‘ Great White Pulpit ’ ’ .
22 Prebendary Wace of Canterbury praised the pamphlet during the 1899 Church Congress and Charles Gore , from the opposite wing of the Church , called it ‘ an extraordinarily important document , because it defined what the nineteenth century 's latest religion , ‘ undenominational Christianity ’ actually was .
23 ‘ A very special goal , ’ Leeds manager Howard Wilkinson rightly called it .
24 The Times Educational Supplement , for example , called it ‘ a soothing but useful report in which the evidence is interpreted with good sense ’ and summarised the conclusions as ‘ leave well alone ’ .
25 The Germans called it ‘ Suicide Corner ’ .
26 This wall ran along one side of the Stratford Road and the residents called it ‘ The Front ’ .
27 James Wolf of the Alliance to Save Energy , a coalition of conservation groups , called it ‘ woefully inadequate ’ .
28 It told how an empire of six hundred miles wide and nearly three thousand miles long , so big the Incas called it Tahuantinsuyo , the Four Quarters of the Earth , had been engaged in a fratricidal war of succession when its miserable future was planned by two uneducated adventurers , Francisco Pizarro and Diego de Almagro , and by a priest , Father Hernando de Luque .
29 The police restricted the parade to the Falls area and the organising committee then called it off so as to avoid compromising the principle of working-class unity .
30 Lorna Lewis might not have made a picture since a flopperoo called It Happened in Monte Carlo three years ago , but she was still Hollywood royalty .
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