Example sentences of "course been " in BNC.

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1 The text has of course been approved by our Chairman and is enclosed for your information .
2 The Conservative government has not of course been passive in the process of restructuring the social bases of electoral choice .
3 Anti-authoritarian leftism and the critique of bureaucratic socialism had of course been well established before the foundation of the SI in 1957 .
4 Violence , sexual scandal and murder had of course been seized on by Mary 's sixteenth-century detractors as admirable means of blackening the character of a major political figure — particularly a female political figure .
5 Scotland had of course been embroiled in the long-standing hostility between England and France before ; but not until the 1540s and 1550s did these powers actually try to determine the government and internal affairs of the country .
6 There have of course been many other visits which were either not documented or else which were presented in an ephemeral form .
7 There have of course been many other television programmes which have touched on the subject of mental handicap , including series such as ‘ Let's Go ’ , a weekly series for the mentally handicapped launched in 1981 , and followed by a second series in 1983 , and ‘ Accident of Birth ’ , a series mainly for parents and people working with the mentally handicapped broadcast in early 1982 .
8 There have of course been those who have deplored such a connection .
9 The most publicised aspect of recent anti-viral research has of course been the work on interferon — part of the body 's natural defence against viruses .
10 A number of teachers have of course been exposed to discovery methods , the principles of new maths and new science ; there is , however , a strong countervailing trend in which pupils know from their CPE texts what are the answers , the definitions of the scientific laws , and increasingly regard as a waste of time proving by rudimentary experiments what they already know .
11 None is intended — none of us is perfect , and I too have of course been guilty of many an error in my time .
12 If you do notice that the last row was incorrect due to you moving the point incorrectly , by the time you 've unravelled the row and passed the carriage back , the point cams have of course been read in their current position , so there is no further action to take .
13 Douglas , disappointed , had of course been prepared for this also , and wasted little time in cursing .
14 The work of women in both the RFC and RAF ( WAAF ) has of course been fully documented , but little has been written on the subject apart from in propaganda and other official literature .
15 The glamorous side of aviation , flying , has of course been brought to the attention of the public over the years ; but what of the ladies who drove staff cars , rode despatch motor cycles and undertook much arduous work often under enemy fire ?
16 Their impact has of course been immense .
17 His invoker had of course been Joshua Godolphin , and he 'd commanded Dowd to serve his line until the end of time .
18 Despite boasts months ago , it has of course been unable to get volumes at 200MHz and probably wo n't until third quarter 1993 .
19 Attempts had of course been made before 1513 to link taxation more directly to personal riches , but they had been unpopular and , in general , ineffective .
20 This problem of ‘ additionality ’ has of course been a long-standing one in relation to the British government and European Community assistance — as discussed in the Obair Report .
21 This girl had not of course been told of the scandal of the boss 's daughter , and she willingly went to the tall cabinet , found the card , read it to Alice who memorised it and ran out .
22 There have of course been innumerable discussions of developments within particular disciplines .
23 Many cultural formations have of course been restricted in this way .
24 This has resulted partly from the increased participation of married women and the ‘ coming of age ’ of the main post-war baby boom , but has of course been influenced greatly at more local level by migration .
25 It has of course been said that it is possible to practice veterinary medicine and that many doctors do not communicate in any language but it has to be said that there is room for improvement .
26 This has of course been much fostered by composers and arrangers of jazz , in the idioms of which these instruments have found their most fertile development .
27 Kellner 's importance as a transmitter of Bach works has of course been long recognized .
28 This has of course been a gradual process but has achieved results ( see figure 2 ) .
29 There has of course been some criticism in the books of the decision in Stilk v. Myrick which is somewhat differently reported in the two sets of reports , but Campbell 's reports have the better reputation and what I have referred to as being the law on this point is referred to as ‘ the present ’ rule in Chitty on Contracts : see , also , Cheshire and Fifoot .
30 The eyes of four respectable women , bright with friendly interest , were looking eagerly towards him and somehow he found himself unable to explain that he had been making a study of extra-marital relations , detached and scientific though this had of course been .
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