Example sentences of "most important " in BNC.

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1 It is most important to appoint at least one Executor when you make your Will .
2 Perhaps most important is the development of a ‘ Mothers ’ Front ’ to campaign for investigations into the mass ‘ disappearances ’ .
3 More than that , it was ‘ one of the most important classical art forgeries ever discovered ’ .
4 He is the designer and subtle manipulator of modernism , which is the single most important and influential theory of modern art . ’
5 The most important thing is your firm knowledge that the selection is within your present range .
6 When dealing with nerves , the most important single thing is to have a centre of concentration .
7 Quite clearly the most important thing about final presentations is that the play suits the talent available in the group .
8 The voice teaching and knowing how to keep yourself ready vocally ; that really is the most important thing , which you do n't realise when you start out .
9 Is classical training the most important ingredient for today 's student ?
10 What do you recall that 's most important from your days as a drama student — which are about ten years ago ?
11 That is probably the most important question the panel are asking themselves .
12 What do think is the most important thing for an actor to keep uppermost in mind when working in the profession ?
13 That and sight reading which is probably the most important thing of all .
14 It is the most important medium for getting known by the general public and affecting the attitude of employers but the theatre is still the best place for learning your trade .
15 The most important was John Charles McQuaid , a Holy Ghost priest and later archbishop of Dublin .
16 Which is not to say , he wrote , that the present project has any value over and above the others , mine and those of everyone else , I have been into the question of value already and will not return to it now , has any value or that its outcome has any value , I have to repeat this , simply that now , for me , today , after the things I have done and given the time left me , it is the most important thing , it is what , from the time I first picked up a pencil and made a mark on a piece of paper , everything has logically led up to .
17 The most important thing in fact the clear glass .
18 First of all , the pub is an establishment where particular kinds of activity take place — the most important of which is informal social drinking , particularly of beer , our national drink .
19 One of the most important changes in pub design during this period was in the plan .
20 Bedford Park is regarded as the first Garden Suburb in England , and thus has an international importance , while Shaw is one of the most important architects of the Victorian period , best known as the designer of the old New Scotland Yard building on the London Embankment .
21 Hamburger outlets are by far the most important , representing almost 80% of total turnover in the fast food market .
22 In such matters it is the most obvious things which are the most important and which stare at you from under the nose without being perceived .
23 Formed in 1984 , ‘ Working Title ’ achieved their breakthrough with ‘ MY BEAUTIFUL LAUNDRETTE ’ , one of the most important films in the British cinema renaissance of the mid-Eighties .
24 Bernini was arguably the most important architect and sculptor in my period and Charles had effectively indicated that I was not competent to lecture on him .
25 I have somehow to make the biggest and most important , heartfelt apology of my life .
26 There are many personal reasons for choosing a rose and for me , scent is one of the most important .
27 Drainage is one of the most important features of your soil .
28 Perhaps the most important point is that , regardless of who may be at the launch point , the pilot alone bears the responsibility for accepting or rejecting the launch in the light of the situation as he sees it from the cockpit .
29 However , although the stick position and the total lack of response to the elevator are by far the most important symptoms of the actual stall , many instructors hardly mention it .
30 The most important thing to emphasise is that , regardless of the attitude of the glider , if it is not responding to moving back on the stick or if the stick is hitting the back stop , a forward movement must be made to allow the glider to unstall .
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