Example sentences of "show that " in BNC.

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1 What he does seem to mind — and what even the most arbitrary-seeming , the most ludic , of his ironic and erotic diversions and excursions show that he minds — is the regime that came to power in his native country after the revolution of 1948 .
2 The two cases also show that change is a possibility , but that it has mainly been in the past through change in the hierarchy 's and clergy 's attitudes as well .
3 Tests show that on most high performance machines , a spread of splattered flies on the leading edges can account for up to a quarter of the glider 's performance , reducing a glide ratio of 40:1 to less than 35:1 and making a mockery of glide calculations .
4 Previous issues from November 1990 to the last edition show that the major features have been on Gabby and Steffi , Zvereva and Martina and Monica , Capriati and Monica , Anke , Jana Novotna and Arantxa respectively , evidence of a fair and even representation of all women players by Tennis World .
5 The records show that he presented a clock of his own making to the hospital circa 1760 , which was in continuous use until the night of 10–11 January 1978 , when it was stolen .
6 The figures show that in 1990 , there were 90,843 people over the age of 65 supported by local authorities in all types of accommodation ( of whom 87,652 were in their own or other authorities ' homes ) .
7 This is perhaps best understood by the way both choreographers frequently show that certain steps can be danced sur les pointes but can also be jumped , e.g. petits changements or sissonnes piquées .
8 Both the above-mentioned works show that ballets based on the life of real people require that choreographers closely observe the characteristics and idiosyncrasies of all types of person and that they make them recognisable in order that they convey meaning .
9 Yet in one sense the circumstances of any and every poem are ‘ special ’ ; and at any rate all these instances show that , in his own writing as in the writing of others , Pound was prepared to recognize circumstances which justified departing very far indeed from Ford 's and the imagists ' precepts about diction , indeed flying in the face of them .
10 Polls show that , despite impressive performances by John Smith and Gordon Brown , many voters still believe Labour is a party of high taxation and inflation .
11 Measurements taken over many years show that levels of PCBs in grass and soil in the area impacted by the stack plume are indistinguishable from background levels .
12 Opinion polls show that most Filipinos want the bases , which are the biggest employer after the government , to stay .
13 During the meeting , doctors and nutritionists will report on studies from around the world which show that certain vitamins may prevent or halt the progression of heart disease , cancer , rheumatism , and nervous disorders such as Parkinson 's Disease .
14 Either they show that the Japanese magic touch is concentrated mainly in manufacturing , or , more worryingly for the West , they demonstrate the costs of entry into unfamiliar markets that Japanese firms are willing to pay .
15 This page and View from City Road , page 33 Pay rises : Two surveys show that pay is rising faster at the top end of the scales than at the bottom .
16 AMERICA ‘ Latest estimates show that by the year 2010 , the USA will be a Japanese-owned country speaking Spanish .
17 New clinical trials show that including garlic in the diet can significantly reduce cholesterol in the blood , according to Dr Jorg Grunwald , a research biologist from Berlin .
18 ‘ The documents show that the companies will be able to go straight to the director general of water services for extra price increases , ’ he told the conference .
19 Despite the fall in September sales , the figures produced by the Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders show that total sales in the first nine months , at 1,919,338 , are still 5 per cent up on the same period last year .
20 Opinion polls now show that employers are blamed for Britain 's economic problems and union are more popular than at any time in their history .
21 The latest figures from the Home Office show that the largest of the 60 seizures of the drug made up to the end of June this year was 40 grammes in Nottingham .
22 The private group , which insures invoices and financing arrangements , recorded 1,220 falures in the first half of this year , but indications so far show that at least 2,000 more failures will be recorded by the end of the year .
23 The last two games show that Yusupov still has to overcome his fear of Karpov .
24 The polls show that about 70 per cent of American troops do not want to risk the lives of American troops to achieve such goals .
25 These show that it takes Dagenham nearly twice as long to produce a Sierra car as it does Ford 's Genk plant in Belgium .
26 However , the documents also show that Dagenham 's car body and assembly operations are failing to meet even its own internal targets .
27 Statistical studies , such as that published recently in the British Medical Journal , show that there is no association between the consumption of lightly boiled eggs and illness .
28 The leaked financial projections show that the Government is giving the authorities substantial leaway for raising dividends in real terms over the next 10 years .
29 The latest figures collated by Women against Rape show that only one in twelve women who are raped report the offence to police .
30 Tests show that eating lots of fibre or switching to polyunsaturated fats has about as much chance of prolonging your life as wearing a wig , but a kipper two or three times a week will have your life assurance rep collecting the premiums for ever .
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