Example sentences of "ask them " in BNC.

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1 The Flemyngs would be away , no doubt , ‘ at a banquet in Perth ’ , and they were ; a butler spoke to them from an upper window and asked them would they kindly leave a message so they marked the house with dirt and rotten potatoes while the servants rushed to bar the shutters over the windows .
2 But dozens of representatives shouted ‘ Yes ’ when he recalled the European election campaign and asked them : ‘ Can any of us say in all honesty that we did everything we could ? ’
3 When people said they had noticed a Labour or Conservative politician other than Thatcher or Kinnock we asked them who had caught their attention .
4 We also asked them to name the party they thought best on economic matters for themselves and their families , for Britain as a whole , and for the unemployed .
5 When they arrived at Auckland Alexander asked them for the silver and his Presence was such that they did not dare to tell him that they had no silver , so Joan said that it was ‘ in the bank ’ .
6 And in this new structure , where the prime minister 's secretary popped out of holes and asked them what they thought , they had a better chance than any previous dean and chapter .
7 He asked them a few times .
8 One Sunday night at the Wood Green Odeon a group of youths and girls were making so much more than a tolerable racket that I eventually asked them to quieten down .
9 So I asked them if they needed anyone to help out on Saturdays The guy behind the counter said , we do as it happens but you 'll have to speak to Malcolm when he comes in .
10 We had some extremely hot gear lying around so we asked them if they 'd have a go at getting rid of it for us out of town where it maybe would have cooled down somewhat .
11 Anthony Eden , the Foreign Secretary , asked them to what extent the full internationalization of civil aviation was possible .
12 The two of them clung together , soggily , hugging closer and closer until Rachel knocked on the door and asked them to come out .
13 When I spoke to some of these women alone much later I asked them why Asian women often reacted like this ; their answers were that it was good for a man 's Izzat .
14 Then went to the Citizen 's Advice Bureau ( CAB ) at Wembley , as my husband had suggested , and asked them for information about how to join a union .
15 At the start we asked them to approach the Union of Post Office Workers ( UPW ) to cut off the mail to Grunwick but they would n't do that either .
16 To embroider the sampler , we turned to some multiple agencies and asked them for their recommendations of good value on a £1,000 booking for four people .
17 He asked them to adopt a more professional approach , to harden their attitude and not capitulate when things became tough , as they had sometimes been prone to .
18 For the most part , the fast men were used in short bursts to conserve their strength and responded well to this ; but when the occasion demanded , as on the final day at Lord 's in 1963 , they could keep going for hour after hour just because the captain asked them to .
19 Jane , as the nearest thing to a next-door neighbour , asked them to drinks that weekend .
20 I took each upon my knee and told them that Mamma is gone to Heaven to God Almighty , and asked them both to promise me that they would try to be good children and follow their mother to that happy place … ‘
21 When they arrived the place was empty — — it was early evening — except for ‘ two street toughs in camel-hair coats ’ sitting at a table ; ‘ and they were fairly easy to distinguish , and I think we walked up and asked them if they were — and — , and they said yes . ’
22 One of the field commanders , Edgar Chamorro , continually nagged by Fernandez to get into Nicaragua and fight , at last decided to venture 30 metres inside to attack a border post ; heavy fire drove him back and , retreating to a pay phone , he called the CIA in Langley , Virginia and asked them to send mortars .
23 The hotel staff felt sorry for the Garda and asked them round to the back door , where they handed out tots of whiskey .
24 One of the men was nervous , so the guard asked them the number of the car they were driving .
25 Adrian asked them the way to Woodbrook , then came back and told me that there was a ruined castle behind the shop .
26 I asked them , ‘ How much rehearsal do I get ? ’
27 Finally , after the third month passed with no rent received , Debbie phoned the tenants , asked them to pay her directly , and sent Landlords a recorded-delivery letter , which was returned , and finally one by ordinary post stating that Landlords were no longer employed as the managing agents .
28 ‘ In the end we asked them to come and sit at the back of the stage , ’ Miss Picon recalled .
29 Old hands from the music business — usually loquacious if invited to reminisce — were struck by collective amnesia when I asked them about Dury .
30 But he asked them to ‘ see it from a different viewpoint .
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