Example sentences of "house [verb] " in BNC.

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1 They drove along the empty country roads , then passed through a couple of small , sleepy villages , the soft golden stone of the houses reflecting the warm sunlight .
2 Most houses lack individuality
3 These brick buildings are on three storeys , the first two being unexceptional Victorian terraced houses arranged round a courtyard , but the floor above them has the characteristic long windows of textile workshops .
4 A good proportion of our work concerned our availability to act as an unacknowledged arm of the social welfare service to drug users in crisis situations , providing a front-line service for the ‘ speed freaks who 's OD 'd on the results of a bent script ’ , or the ‘ acid heads having a bad trip ’ , for we were in the streets , the pubs , the clubs , the crash pads , and communal houses frequented by the new ‘ alternative society ’ .
5 In villages , educational workers would drag women out of their houses to attend mass literacy classes , in others the cadres of the party kidnapped the wife of the mullah on the grounds that , wherever she went , other women would follow .
6 The Georgian mill owner 's house has been restored and houses displays exploring the history of the mill .
7 The focal point is the Rathaus ( town hall ) , with a fine sixteenth-century tower that dominates the many charming houses in the vicinity , and one of its most striking houses offers a reminder that the Swiss have been at the business of looking after travellers for a long time .
8 Because of its importance , most of the great houses launch their latest creations at the Biennale .
9 ‘ I 'm sure they 'll always keep the houses filled with flowers .
10 They all remembered the days when Lochranza was daily served by pleasure steamers and all the houses filled with ‘ the gentry ’ , the locals decamping to huts and sheds in back gardens .
11 At home I grew up in old Victorian houses filled with antique furniture .
12 70% of vacant council houses given to those not on the waiting list
13 Many software houses sell consultancy , and disappointing product sales from 1988 – 91 have driven the major hardware suppliers into the services market .
14 Most of the houses sell for around 60,000 pounds … and keen pricing seems to be the key to attracting first time buyers :
15 Even before the securities houses announced their decision , the advantages of issuing new equity had slumped along with the Nikkei .
16 As competition for tied houses became hotter from 1905 , with licensing magistrates actively closing down pubs and beerhouses , Hoare 's began grabbing up other brewery firms where they could .
17 Numerous houses became schools , many more became hospitals and quite a number were acquired as reform schools .
18 Fashion moved out , and the big houses became rooming joints .
19 In effect , the policy proposed that D category villages should be allowed to wither away ; as houses became uninhabitable they would not be replaced .
20 During the twentieth century more houses became tied with the decline of the landlord — tenant system in farming and its replacement by owner-occupation , and since the Second World War the chronic shortage of housing in rural areas has increased the importance of tied cottages still further .
21 German and Swiss lead managers were dominant between 1975 – 79 , but US houses became increasingly important during the 1980s , and by 1984 – 85 three US houses and the US/Swiss CSFB were included in the first five .
22 The leaflets are being distributed to hotels and guest houses registered with the Northumbria Tourism Board and to travel trade representatives and coach operators throughout Britain .
23 This explains Gandhi 's consternation on hearing that the people of a village near Bettiah had run away while the police raided their houses looting property and assaulting women .
24 The building materials used on the three houses referred to in ( b ) above had cost £18,000 and had all been paid for by December 1990 .
25 Here we look at four of the top London curry houses favoured by MPs and other ‘ pilaus of society ’ .
26 Commander Michael Saunders Watson , who opens Rockingham Castle to the public , said the survival of historic houses depended on ‘ not dying ’ and daughters-in-law .
27 And if this is true , the sooner the mainstream cosmetic houses make changes to the way they sell make-up , the better off we 'll all be .
28 Although its great hall and courtyard buildings have crumbled , its linked tower houses make an impressive sight from the A85 towards Crieff , and the interior still contains fine tempera painted ceilings , plasterwork and moulded fireplaces .
29 Environmental determinists are also numerous among the social commentators of the period : ‘ Wretched houses make wretched homes ; and while immoral or slatternly habits convert fine dwellings into styes , it is almost as true that dirty and unhealthy habitations transfer a taint to the character and habits of the persons who occupy them . ’
30 Like banks , the discount houses make their profit by a process of maturity transformation : by borrowing short and lending long — or to be more precise , by borrowing very short indeed and lending slightly less short .
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