Example sentences of "[modal v] therefore be said " in BNC.

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1 Some of Freud 's patients became more rational in their understanding of their problems , and they could therefore be said to be nearer than non-patients to the standard Freud held up as worthy of human beings .
2 Section 2(4) could therefore be said to give supremacy to community law .
3 A primary group , with a leader , but with little other ‘ organization ’ in it , can therefore be said to be ‘ a number of individuals who have put one and the same object in the place of their ego ideal and have consequently identified themselves with one another in their ego ’ .
4 English can therefore be said to have a grammatical category of number .
5 It can therefore be said that in a long series of estimates under the same conditions the population mean would lie within one standard error of the mean 68 per cent of the time , or within two standard errors 95·4 per cent of the time .
6 It can therefore be said that in a long series of estimates under the same conditions the population mean would lie within one standard error of the mean 68 per cent of the time , or within two standard errors 95.4 per cent of the time .
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