Example sentences of "[modal v] be correlated with " in BNC.

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1 In both cases what really matters is the same : that the sign he observes directly — the bees , Rabbit 's saying ‘ yes ’ — should be correlated with honey , so that the belief he infers from the sign will be true .
2 Hence rising unemployment should be correlated with falling inflation , but once unemployment has steadied at a new , higher level , so the rate of inflation will also steady at a new , slightly lower , but probably still unsatisfactory level .
3 So in order to be true , Rabbit 's statement must be correlated with what in the circumstances it says it signifies ( namely honey ) .
4 These examples show that , as in all cases , whether an adjective counts as restrictive or not depends on what exactly is in the mental focus of the speaker on any particular token occasion , and definitely not on any relation of inclusion that might exist between the meanings of the adjective and noun as type elements , such as could be found in the dictionary ( or more accurately between those parts of an external world which might be correlated with the meanings of the adjective and noun ) .
5 The project then examined each of the crafts identified to show how they could be correlated with teaching in other school subjects , in particular , Language , Mathematics and Science .
6 Their only conceptual connection was that someone ( often a foreign observer ) had produced numbers about one phenomenon that could be correlated with numbers from other societies purporting to be about the same phenomenon .
7 It was found that increases in protein synthesis and breakdown could be correlated with the progression of disease severity , as judged by erythrocyte sedimentation rate and clinical symptoms .
8 This status may be correlated with day-to-day events such as a promotion at wok , moving home , marriage , redundancy , parenthood , the receipt of an inherited legacy or the final payment of a mortgage .
9 Moreover , pigeons navigate less accurately when the earth 's magnetic field is disturbed ( for instance by solar flares ) ; — but this evidence is inconclusive , because other factors may be correlated with these natural , not experimental , disturbances .
10 In animal models the presence of carcinogen DNA adducts has been shown to lead to specific mutations within DNA including the activation of known oncogenes and the persistence of DNA adducts in a tissue may be correlated with an increased risk of developing cancer in that tissue .
11 We proposed that acid clearance time would be delayed in patients with impaired peristalsis and that the delay in clearance would be correlated with acid exposure time .
12 Secondly , we 've got erm model , we 've got a dependent variable a dependent variable , right , S T minus one right , will be correlated with the error term , right , so the dependent variable will be correlated with the errors alright .
13 Secondly , we 've got erm model , we 've got a dependent variable a dependent variable , right , S T minus one right , will be correlated with the error term , right , so the dependent variable will be correlated with the errors alright .
14 They have shown that mental processes can be correlated with specific neural changes .
15 Returning to the central theme of the present chapter , electrical activity can be correlated with behaviour and this helps us towards an understanding of the neural mechanisms and cognitive processes underlying behaviour .
16 What I have just offered have been partial readings of the Haec Vir pamphlet and The Roaring Girl , partial not in the sense ( at least this is not what I 'm confessing ) of being distortions of the texts , but rather readings that focus upon textual elements which can be correlated with oppositional cultural elements within Jacobean society , and consequently possible audience positions and reading responses .
17 The experiment at Ife suggests that it is a myth to believe that early introduction of English medium ( especially if it is badly handled ) can be correlated with eventual better performance in English .
18 Thus , whether the wound stimulus arises from mechanical wounding to the cotyledon , or heat injury to leaf 1 , a systemic accumulation of pin activity can be correlated with a systemic electrical signal and neither response is affected by the inhibition of phloem translocation .
19 International differences in these attitudes can be correlated with differences in the birth-rate .
20 In appropriate cases , the logical relations between the sentences can be correlated with meaning relations between the differentiating lexical items .
21 In fact , the rise in economic management problems can be correlated with the dramatic increase in the number of economists in the civil service !
22 Furthermore , changes in immunoreactivity of fos can be correlated with the severity of the disease state in an arthritic model .
23 There is no doubt that the three surface positions for adjectives can be correlated with the three intensional patterns given in ( 37 ) .
24 An increased risk of developing gastric cancer in the smoking population has been highlighted in a number of large scale prospective cohort studies and there is increasing evidence accumulating from postlabelling studies that DNA adducts can be correlated with smoking history .
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