Example sentences of "[pron] [was/were] walking down " in BNC.

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1 If I 'd a , if I were walking down the street going Nigger ! sorry !
2 If I was walking down a street and some scaffolding fell on my head I would n't say ‘ oh dear ’ . '
3 I met the old lady as I was walking down a steep path out of the village .
4 As I was walking down Sackville Street one fine spring day in 1985 I noticed a sign in the window of a bookshop , now no more , advertising BBC books for sale .
5 Shortly after the case I was walking down the street and a policeman went past , laughed sneeringly and said , ‘ Got you , did n't we ? ’
6 I was walking down the street , singing happily to myself , when I was startled to hear the sound of hooves on the cobbles .
7 I was walking down Wood Street , Wakefield with a friend who , with a nudge and a nod , directed my attention to a couple gazing into a shop window .
8 One day I was walking down Bedford Street in Belfast city centre and this bloke pulled over in his car and started tooting his horn .
9 No I was walking down Charles Street
10 It was quite funny cos I , I was walking down the road with my , my mate Robbie yeah and he 's gay and , and they went ooh
11 Soon we were walking down a road between two rows of little sea-side villas .
12 Phil led us through it , only adding the occasional sentence … we were walking down a path , do we turn left or right … ?
13 ‘ All we knew was that we were walking down the street and people were throwing eggs .
14 And we was walking down Street when a soldier was coming and he said er , You want to er you want to make haste home me lads the Zeppelins are about , you see .
15 A few seconds later , they were walking down the road .
16 It gets its name from the fact that it requires a fighter simply to raise his hands in a defensive position and bend his legs slightly , almost as if he were walking down the street .
17 Morse caught the man 's arm , and held him back as he was walking down the steps .
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