Example sentences of "[pron] [is] worth mention " in BNC.

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1 But they take it so , so strongly , they become so aggressive that it 's , it 's almost more trouble than it 's worth to mention it to people .
2 Before we get down to examining this unusual and highly specialised guitar , it 's worth mentioning once again that there are two Manson brothers , behind two quite separate operations : Hugh is in the solid electric guitar business , while Andy makes acoustics , electro-acoustics and carved arch-top jazz guitars .
3 At this point it 's worth mentioning that one of the best approaches to persuasion in any situation can be to ask yourself : ‘ What 's in it for them ? ’ and to consider what needs ( as mentioned earlier in this chapter ) you can meet .
4 It 's worth mentioning that you 're not automatically insured on dry ski slopes so it 's worth arranging some personal cover — accidents are n't especially common but you never know .
5 It 's worth mentioning too , that during the year , er , Dr Tim , the general practitioner , who is seconded with er , Social Services , has been doing work on hospital discharge , making sure that the arrangements are , are working , and his reports have been picked up by the respective authorities , and , er , there has er , a sort of action plan has been put together , which is , which is intended to try to improve the er , existing hospital discharge arr arrangement , making sure that people are discharged from hospital and that the er , right type of care is available for them in , in the community .
6 Now , erm on the subject of of the family , it 's worth mentioning another erm sort of debate that goes on within the subject of child sex abuse , the business of I suppose you might call it the business of responsibility .
7 It 's worth mentioning that I asked a lot of people in Spain , when I was there , at the Spanish you know what they knew about it , and nobody did .
8 It is worth mentioning the techniques by which a minority of respondents sought to impose limits from below .
9 But it is worth mentioning what a very experienced and established psychiatrist told me about his work when I interviewed him .
10 Many of the radios used in Ajdabiya and Kufra incorporated cassette-recording devices , and it is worth mentioning ( because it reinforces the point that the machines were used creatively , actively ) how cassettes played a part in the diffusion of information .
11 Nicholson did not appear in the film and was used as a production assistant by Corman ; but it is worth mentioning because it was a significant moment in Hollywood history , inspiring as it did a succession of similar films when other producers noticed that The Wild Angels grossed eight million dollars in no time at all , and had been made on a shoestring budget .
12 It is worth mentioning , all the same , that a time will come when a frequent absentee can be fairly dismissed and that a failure to consult him at the time of dismissal will not necessarily mean that the company will be powerless to resist an unfair dismissal claim .
13 At the risk of repetition , it is worth mentioning again that children ( especially those of preschool age ) are particularly vulnerable to home accidents .
14 It is worth mentioning that the final is not so theoretical as perhaps believed : 40 per cent of the marks are allocated in the practical paper .
15 It is worth mentioning at this point that many people who were adopted as babies feel the need in midlife to search out their natural parents .
16 It is worth mentioning here that if you are selling as well as buying , most solicitors will not allow you to use your purchaser 's deposit money for your own deposit to your vendor .
17 It is worth mentioning that with PDSL disks you are guaranteed the latest available version of any program .
18 But it is worth mentioning at this time , when the Press is under attack as never before .
19 As a counter to this strongly argued view , it is worth mentioning that it assumes that ‘ biggest is best ’ and that the potential benefits of synergy will actually accrue .
20 It is worth mentioning the spread of opinion — and it would be easy to enlarge it — because his was that rare character which stamped itself effortlessly and in the same way on every sort of company .
21 But at this point it is worth mentioning briefly that there are plenty of examples of people ‘ losing touch ’ with their elderly parents as a way of avoiding maintenance payments , during the period in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries , when certain Boards of Guardians were trying rigidly to enforce financial liabilities .
22 It is worth mentioning that Professor Gower , in his study of investor protection in the financial markets — the so-called Gower Report — did not employ any significant law/economics analysis .
23 I do not by any means place all my faith in so-called Urtext editions , but it is worth mentioning that the Lea Pocket Scores of Beethoven 's works were reprints of the nineteenth-century Breitkopf und Härtel collection edition .
24 Although we can not go into the technicalities of Ohmann 's method , it is worth mentioning that the apparatus he used was that of an earlier version of Transformational Grammar , one which subsequently underwent profound modifications . "
25 It is worth mentioning , however , that it is not always the nasal pathways that have been observed to be superior ( Neill , Sampson and Gribben , 1971 ) and that naso-temporal differences have sometimes been observed for one eye but not for the other ( Overton and Weiner , 1966 ; Markowitz and Weitzman , 1969 ; Beaton , 1977 ; 1979a ) .
26 On the other hand it is worth mentioning that the hypothesis of decreased left hemisphere activity during the hypnotic state has been supported by other workers using different response measures .
27 Before leaving the subject of self-indexing , it is worth mentioning perfect hash functions .
28 Though this section looks only at government regional policies and labour mobility policies , it is worth mentioning that these represent only a small proportion of government expenditure on aid to industry .
29 Details are given below under Teaching , but it is worth mentioning here the training course in French law at the University of Aix/ Marseille , for which scholarships have for some years been offered by the Cultural Service of the French Embassy , 22 Wilton Crescent , London SW1 .
30 It is worth mentioning that the anticompetitive practice provisions of the Competition Act 1980 , which enable the Office of Fair Trading ( OFT to investigate particular practices and produce a report which may then lead to an MMC reference , have often involved vertical restraints .
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