Example sentences of "[pron] [is] worth note " in BNC.

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1 Discussion about the nature of the state will follow below but there is a body of literature about the nature and form of the pressures on the state from the base in contemporary capitalism which is worth noting here .
2 It 's worth noting that workers blame their jobs for over a quarter of any violent incidents in which they are involved — these kinds of crime can cost business dearly !
3 ( It 's worth noting that all of these experts are freelance and NOT available on the ‘ phone .
4 It 's worth noting that Palin 's eldest son Tom is a musician and he supports him .
5 Finally , it 's worth noting that most colleges have an extensive range of services offered by the college or student union .
6 Then again , it 's worth noting the heart throbs of the British parliamentary throng : the Davids ( Owen and Steel ) , and Michael Heseltine , Cecil Parkinson ; power is one answer to George Michael ( once of Wham ! ) it seems .
7 It 's worth noting that there 's now little real price differential between the top of the page printer market and the bottom of the imagesetting market .
8 It 's worth noting , colleagues , that it 's only because of the determination of our members to ensure that their already meagre standard of living and basic rates are not further eroded that even this small achievement has been possible .
9 Sorry , I think it 's worth noting some of the circumstances giving rise to Mrs Brown er committing the offences which bring her before the court today .
10 It is worth noting the language in the Federation rebuttal of the PSI report , for it illustrates how the culture is programmed to sneer at the ‘ graphic literary phrase ’ and dismiss the use of ‘ anecdotal material ’ as unscientific : while participant observation is considered to be a world away from ‘ research based on safe academic principles ’ ( my emphasis ) .
11 We have a way of talking , and thus a way of thinking , about thoughts as if they were sentences in the head ; and it is worth noting that Fodor ( for example in Psychosemantics ) regards folk psychology as providing a rough but reliable account of mental life and behaviour .
12 Waiting is a bore , and it is worth noting that the chain continues to rotate after the disc has stopped , so beware fingers .
13 It is worth noting that such important modern choreographers as Kurt Jooss and Martha Graham and the leader of the Dance Theatre of Harlem , George Mitchell , insisted that their dancershave knowledge of some school of classical technique , to which they added other exercises to develop the flexibility of their dancers ' bodies , athletic qualities and an ability to explore more thoroughly the space around them in all its dimensions .
14 Such criticism , it is worth noting , is basically mimetic ; literature is assumed to relate to experience .
15 It is worth noting that there are few narrow political aims involved , and that repeated reference is made to ‘ our country ’ : East Germany .
16 Belief in the impassibility of God , it is worth noting , was developed in the early Christian centuries against the background of popular religious belief in the world of that day , where gods were no more than human beings on a large scale , subject to the same contingencies , passions , frustrations and feelings of pain or pleasure that determine human nature .
17 It is worth noting , however , that the spending priorities have not been radically dissimilar from those planned by the outgoing Labour government , which also planned for cuts in spending on education and housing and an expansion in spending on defence , law and order , and social security .
18 In December 1985 the long-awaited Fowler review of the State Earnings Related Pension Scheme ( SERPS ) produced only a reduction in the pension benefits rather than an abolition of the scheme ( it is worth noting , however , that the encouragement to leave SERPS for private schemes has had some success ; by mid-1989 over one million people had left ) .
19 Yet it is worth noting that one of the most influential works in the canon of the new right , Friedrich Hayek 's The Constitution of Liberty , ends with a chapter entitled ‘ Why I am not a Conservative ’ .
20 Some of the details of this appointments policy are explored in later chapters , but it is worth noting here the way in which the philosophy of much of this new breed flew in the face of cardinal articles of faith of the Great and Good .
21 It is worth noting how paternal authority overrode differences in occupational status and in income : in this particular case the father was a canteen cook , and Zuwaya generally considered that a lower occupation than one deemed intellectual .
22 It is worth noting that the property of ‘ gratuity ’ , discussed above in connection with allosteric enzymes , applies also to hormonal and nervous conduction .
23 Bearing in mind the course leaders ' concern to instil or reinforce responsible drinking attitudes and behaviour , it is worth noting that before the course 77 per cent of the participants agreed with the statement ‘ To enjoy yourself , it is necessary to have something to drink ’ ; yet by the end of the course 88 per cent disagreed with this attitude .
24 Further analysis of the above five steps could be conducted ( for instance , it is worth noting that they are made up of ( I ) non-drama — 1 ( 2 ) nun-drama — 1 ( 3 ) drama — 1 ( 4 ) non-drama — 1 ( 5 ) drama activities ) but it is not in the matter of graded steps within a sequence that drama resembles a game : the game element of drama is inherent within each stop .
25 It is worth noting , however , that Brazil is not far off the quarter-mark with 20.5 per cent .
26 It is worth noting , however , that consent to a political authority entails a promise to obey it ( as well as perhaps an obligation to support it in other ways ) .
27 It is worth noting that what began for Victoria as admiration , tinged with a degree of condescension , developed over the years into genuine friendship and a respect for Eugénie 's character which was to link both sovereigns ever more closely until the Queen 's death in 1901 .
28 In view of subsequent denials by all concerned that the King of Prussia had been directly involved in events leading up to Leopold 's decision , it is worth noting that not only was the King present but also the Crown Prince of Prussia , Leopold , and his father Prince Anthony .
29 It is worth noting too , that with higher marriage rates and less involuntary childlessness , they will constitute a rising proportion of those entering later life .
30 Specialization of this kind was not , of course , the practice elsewhere in the civilized world ‘ but it is worth noting that the broad curriculum of Europe and America is almost equally under fire ’ .
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