Example sentences of "[pron] [vb mod] conclude [conj] " in BNC.

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1 Since most of my work necessarily consists in ( ii ) rather than in ( i ) or ( iii ) , I think I must conclude that on the whole I am happy in my work .
2 As a matter of principle , if , as I think , the defendant 's case for rectification as against the building society can not be brought under any of the paragraphs of section 82(1) , I would conclude that that must be an end to the rectification claim .
3 Thirdly , I will conclude that the way we approach and use research perhaps needs to be rethought .
4 The discussion here will be confined to self-interested goals ; consideration of ‘ socially responsible ’ motives will be deferred until Chapter 9 , which will conclude that sacrificing profits for socially responsible ends does not occur on a scale sufficient to raise serious doubts about the commitment of managers to profitability ( or whatever other , self-interested goals may predominate ) .
5 No one reading them could conclude that the Agency would allow anyone to suppose industrial co-operatives were in any way exempt from commercial discipline .
6 You may conclude that it was a drug which was administered to him . ’
7 Accept this sketch of what has just happened , and you might conclude that Mr Clinton 's presidency is over .
8 Given the enormous time , more than five minutes , it takes for each page this is very useful otherwise you might conclude that the whole machine has hung .
9 If Fru Møller were ‘ on the bridge ’ she would conclude that her guest had toothache .
10 If there is little generalization of the new response to the test stimuli , we may conclude that the stimulus used in acquisition and that used in the test are readily discriminated .
11 From this , we may conclude that any process which can send impulses directly to the brain can be used to influence the physical body and the emotions .
12 We may conclude that , in all cases , the opposing waves mutually focus each other onto the hypersurface , on which the contraction of the waves is unbounded and the line element ( 6.20 ) is singular .
13 Plants are normally under some form of stress — heat or light stress are two of many forms — but nevertheless plants are generally healthy , from which we may conclude that nature is continually carrying out a delicate balancing act among the contributing reactions making up the complete photosynthetic ‘ machinery ’ .
14 More generally , we may conclude that the Bain-Elsheikh study provides support from several countries for the effects of economic conditions and the influence of public policy upon union growth .
15 Rollin 's confusion stems from his assumption that because animals have needs we may conclude that they have interests , which , like those of human beings , are owing to the possessor .
16 We may conclude that violence is such a wide term that we need a typology , each item of which may have its own consequences and causes and so be best dealt with by different interventions .
17 In short , we may conclude that there is no need to suppose that industrial co-operatives in particular can not become large , or even very large , and remain successful businesses and authentic co-operatives but that the need to accommodate within them satisfactory constituencies may well affect their structure .
18 Thus , we may conclude that , " Yes , it is possible to get the vessel open , " but note the inherent risk , particularly early on , of acute myocardial infarction and death .
19 The context makes it clear that the two cousins are of different sexes ; however , the sentence is not zeugmatic , so we may conclude that cousin does not have two senses ‘ male cousin ’ and ‘ female cousin ’ .
20 From this we may conclude that the ‘ at least ’ sense of numerals is not established .
21 Since the insertion of the dielectric increased the surface charge density on the plates by a factor with the voltage remaining unchanged , we may conclude that the capacitance has also increased by the same factor , yielding
22 Since charged particles rarely travel close to the velocity of light we may conclude that the magnetic forces are by orders of magnitude smaller than the electric forces .
23 We may conclude that although elicitation of syntactic data presents methodological problems , those problems are not insuperable and can often be solved by a little ingenuity .
24 We may conclude that rhythmic shapes determine melodies more than do pitch patterns .
25 Summarizing our findings so far we may conclude that the ego , far from emerging fully formed , in fact underwent a very lengthy and indeed complex process of development in the evolution of the human race .
26 As one performs ‘ Round and round the garden like a teddy bear ’ or ‘ To market , to market to buy a fat pig ’ for the hundredth time , one may conclude that the period of enjoyment is much longer for children than for adults .
27 If this burden is not discharged one may conclude that there is very little difference indeed between some versions of positivism and Finnis 's account of natural law .
28 One may conclude that the motive of the writer was to add to the growing fascist propaganda which appeared in the 1920s and 1930s .
29 Therefore , one may conclude that by the end of the decade Europe 's currency and political union will be established .
30 The Telegraph said : ‘ After England 's first defeat since the World Cup we should conclude that this was the end of a team , not of an era .
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