Example sentences of "[pron] [verb] be abused " in BNC.

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1 That I 'd been abused by my brother too .
2 I also explained to him myself that I had been abused by my father , who was a doctor , and that I did not wish to be examined by a man .
3 If somebody 's been abused erm typically in the past they were referred to as victims .
4 A central problem in working with such cases concerns the position of the old person in question , who has been abused .
5 Then a week later my wife told me that she 'd been abused by her brother .
6 I asked her what made people do things like that , and she told me that 99 per cent of men who 've been abused turn into abusers .
7 There was no emotion in my voice , that 's how it is with people who 've been abused , you talk about it as if you 're just calmly stating a fact .
8 It 's sometimes the case when you look at adult survivors of child sex abuse that erm some of these physiological responses are detached from pleasure and experienced in a very ah traumatic and very de-humanising way so that y'know kind of having orgasms is n't pleasurable sometimes for people who 've been abused as children .
9 Erm it 's also the case that , particularly when abuse is of this sort of y'know like I was just describing y'know stroking , caressing , all that kind of things um it a lot of erm in some cases very confused feelings on the part of the people who 've been abused .
10 I 've mentioned briefly there is um er , let me see , it 's , women who 've been abused show more need for power than a comparable group of unabused women .
11 Now erm how have we got er I 've next thing on the handout is something I 've stuck on about the way in which erm er well it 's what I 've just covered about the the way in which some sorts of therapies for people who 've been abused as children tend to embody rather heterosexist assumptions which has been stated by Jenny Kissinger for example .
12 Erm er also um I 've stuck in a note about the difficulty in interpreting the consequences of abuse erm because of the way in which um you may find , as did , looking at people who 've been abused as children er versus people who have n't .
13 There 's an in er a strong tendency to call the the testimony of people who 've been abused into question in this way .
14 Um going back to this business of people who 've been abused at er as part of , well not exactly abused , people who 've been severely bullied in in sc in the school system , erm particularly when you 're talking about all boys schools , I mean this is one of the problems that they have to contend with .
15 SEXTALK : When you 've been abused
16 She was most amusing , and described how much she had been abused by reviewers and how one man wrote to her asking her to explain what on earth her books were all about , and enclosed a stamped and addressed envelope for her reply — ‘ I used it when I was paying a bill ’ .
17 Unfortunately , there has recently been a terrible saga of children who have been abused .
18 Or who have been abused .
19 We must ensure we are not placing a child in a family where his or her own mother may herself have been abused .
20 Sometimes people have um a whole variety of symptoms in later life and perhaps as a consequence of some sort of therapy , some sort of consciousness raising exercise , something like that erm they are not necessarily aware at the start that they 've been abused but sometimes they feel y'know a very compelling sense of memories flooding back .
21 Children leaving home because they 've been abused physically or sexually erm or verbally erm the breakdown in the quality of family life has also got something to do with all this business and that has got to be addressed as well , and money wo n't change that .
22 They felt they had been abused themselves ; they felt impotent against the power weighed against them ; they felt they had no way to fight back .
23 I watched , amazed , as children who had been brought into care because they had been abused , ran with open arms to hug the ‘ abusing ’ parents who had been allowed to visit them .
24 They may have thought they had been abused therefore they could do it .
25 Roland Summit believed fervently in satanic ritual abuse , and followed the theory that , if a child denies abuse , that is sufficient evidence that they have been abused , and therefore they should be pushed until they break down and admit it .
26 He told his 24-year-old victim he had been abused by his mother as a child .
27 The offences took place between 1977 and 1983 with boys then aged between 11 and 13 , some of whom had been abused by their parents before being taken into care .
28 All but two of them had been abused and I remember one girl saying to me , ‘ By the time I was nine I knew what it was all about . ’
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