Example sentences of "[art] £10 [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Regional Railways , Cheshire County Council and the European Regional Development Fund are all contributing along with the PTE , to the £10 million cost .
2 The £10 million soap was voted ‘ worst TV programme ’ by readers of Smash Hits , Britain 's most popular teen magazine , at its annual awards ceremony .
3 Paula , 32 , and Geldof won the £10 million contract this summer to revive Channel 4 's flagging early morning slot .
4 He complained the decision to bring forward the start date for the £10 million sun sea and sex drama from September to July left him high and dry .
5 The £10 million sun and sangria soap was set up from scratch in just six months .
6 SIX more Eldorado stars were given the chop yesterday in a desperate bid to revive the £10 million sun and sangria soap flop .
7 When he arrived at the £10 million water testing laboratory the prince was greeted by a host of staff dressed in white coats .
8 The £10 million development will create hundreds of jobs and boost Teesside as a tourist centre .
9 Kylie 's tucked up in the back seat , her mum 's alongside , and she 's ready to complete the last day 's shooting on the £10 million film The Delinquents .
10 Mr Powell , 44 , came in for fierce criticism when he replaced Terry Wogan with the £10 million drama .
11 Arriving in Spain on a morale boosting visit to the £10 million set , he angrily attacked calls for the show to be axed .
12 LAWRENCE Baker from Southend reckons the £10 annual premium it cost him to add DAS legal expenses insurance to his household policy was the best tenner he ever spent .
13 Royal Dutch Shell Plc has given its contract for payphones at 660 UK petrol stations to British Telecommunications Plc after Mercury Communications Ltd to give up the private site end of the business to concentrate on high street sites ; British Telecom will install up to 840 more pay telephones for Shell under the £10 five-year contract .
14 Note that the marginal propensity to consume is 0.8 ( because for every £10 million rise in income , consumption rises by £8 million ) and the marginal propensity to save is 0.2 .
15 The marginal propensity to import is also 0.2 , so that for every £10 million rise in income , spending on imports rises by £2 million and the consumption of home-produced goods and services rises by £6 million .
16 Inadequacies in the design contributed to a £10 million bill for replacement of bearings on the A19 Tees Viaduct and annual maintenance costs of £5 million are expected because of design defects on the M5/M6 link at Spaghetti Junction .
17 NIGEL MANSELL 'S new IndyCar team have placed a £10 million price tag on their star signing amid renewed attempts to persuade the Briton to remain in Formula One .
18 FORD 'S Mondeo car was given a huge boost yesterday when the car rental company Hertz placed a £10 million order .
19 The Government did give a £10 million grant to the McFarlane charitable trust to meet the health and domestic needs of the victims .
20 ‘ Our staff turnover is down 50 per cent and that is not entirely due to the effects of the recession , ’ says general manager of the Holiday Inn Bristol , a Scotts ' hotel which recently completed a £10 million refurbishment and emerged as the Bristol Marriott .
21 ALAN SHEARER was last night hailed as a £10 million wonder — by the man who this afternoon must stop him leading Blackburn 's title crusade .
22 Explain why a £10 million increase in government expenditure financed by a £10 million increase in taxation has a net expansionary effect on the economy .
23 Explain why a £10 million increase in government expenditure financed by a £10 million increase in taxation has a net expansionary effect on the economy .
24 If V is constant , will ( a ) a £10 million rise in M give a £10 million rise in MV ; ( b ) a 10 per cent rise in M give a 10 per cent rise in MV ?
25 If V is constant , will ( a ) a £10 million rise in M give a £10 million rise in MV ; ( b ) a 10 per cent rise in M give a 10 per cent rise in MV ?
26 If both V and Q are constant , will ( a ) a £10 million rise in M lead to a £10 million rise in P ; ( b ) a 10 per cent rise in M lead to a 10 per cent rise in P ?
27 If both V and Q are constant , will ( a ) a £10 million rise in M lead to a £10 million rise in P ; ( b ) a 10 per cent rise in M lead to a 10 per cent rise in P ?
28 Lower UK and US interest rates cut interest income by £10.2 million to £53 million , outweighing a £10 million rise in brokerage and fee income .
29 BIRMINGHAM CITY go into Anglo-Italian Cup action against Bari tonight with a £10 million rescue package dangling in front of them , writes David Harrison .
30 Given the importance of the unity of house with contents , the National Trust is considering the feasibility of a £10 million bid to preserve both intact .
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