Example sentences of "[art] moment later the " in BNC.

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1 A moment later the slithery figure of the Town Clerk emerged from the Hall .
2 A moment later the main section sheared at the mastfoot .
3 A moment later the wind lifted her away .
4 Then , a moment later the hope died as tall young man dressed in an aged reefer coat and brown leather cap appeared in the doorway .
5 A moment later the shadowy figure came into the hallway , hesitated for a second , then moved across to the stairs .
6 As Cowley walked towards the slightly hunched figure of Bodie , he was able to see Doyle 's peaceful face , eyes closed , white as a sheet ; a moment later the trolley was behind the closing doors of the lift , and Doyle 's life was now in the hands of others , men skilled in surgery , and in the ways of keeping the tenuous thread of life attached to a dying body .
7 But a moment later the little fellow bobbed up .
8 He dived under the fence and a moment later the ducks began waddling through the tunnel and into the garden .
9 A moment later the frenzied cadet pitched forward and skidded prostrate for many metres , his strengthened fingernails scratching sparks from the plates of the deck before he came to rest .
10 A moment later the head blasted free .
11 A moment later the big brown car pulled away from the kerb .
12 It is impossible to describe an organization in behaviour terms ( i.e. processes ) other than momentarily because the processes are always changing ; but when we speak of the processes we freeze that dynamic interaction for a single moment , take a picture , and know that a moment later the picture will be different .
13 A moment later the front door slammed shut .
14 A moment later the men who watched it explode from the verandah felt their ragged clothes begin to flap and flutter in the blast .
15 A moment later the hatch shot open and men in boots came down into the hold , their voices loud in the confined space .
16 A moment later the French boy returned carrying a Mauser .350 slung carelessly over his shoulder .
17 But the swirling breeze was at the hunters ' backs , and the big bull suddenly lifted his muzzle to scent in their direction , and a moment later the whole herd was running towards the shelter of the trees .
18 A moment later the sounds of the storm were magnified suddenly in the hut as the door at one end flew open .
19 A moment later the door opened and five men in uniforms trooped in .
20 A moment later the beautiful young man from Gasset and Lode came out , looking peeved .
21 A moment later the two of them had disappeared into the house , leaving me standing there in the sunshine , feeling suddenly weak at the knees .
22 The whole mass dropped into the pit and a moment later the big slab was snatched up by several dozen tentacles and slammed into place , leaving a number of thrashing limbs trapped around the edge .
23 A moment later the wizard was standing over him , shouting , ‘ Tell it that if it singes me I 'll let the sword go !
24 A moment later the door opened .
25 A moment later the door opened and Rivera came in .
26 A moment later the door creaked open and he appeared , or a fair facsimile , a very old man with grey hair down to his shoulders , a black dresscoat of velvet that had seen better days , a pair of very baggy corduroy trousers beneath of the type worn by peasants on the farm .
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