Example sentences of "[art] method used be " in BNC.

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1 But after a four-month investigation , the State has charged that the methods used were abusive , worthy only of Cruella de Vil , Walt Disney 's Dalmatian-murdering villain .
2 There has also seemed to be a tendency among excavators either to cling rigidly to the date of a coin , or in the case of a pottery assemblage , to aim at an average date ; perhaps in some of the excavations of the thirties , the methods used were not refined enough for a director even to be sure that all the pottery came from a particular stratified layer , and if , therefore , a few sherds appeared which were out of dating context with the main assemblage , they could be put aside as ‘ intrusions ’ and ignored .
3 A description of the methods used was later revised and issued by the Centre for Library and Information Management .
4 ‘ I see that the method used was to divert large amounts of money into a fund under the name of another firm , a non-existent firm I imagine . ’
5 Nevertheless , it was not long before control was achieved , and the method used was that which had already and long ago done for the peoples of the old world .
6 The method used was partly theoretical but mainly empirical , and consisted in applying the non-linear regression option of a statistics package , BMDP .
7 The method used was that of Burke and Axon as adapted from that of Lindahl et al .
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