Example sentences of "[art] only chance i " in BNC.

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1 I polished the latches a bit with my shirtsleeve , then I put the briefcase back exactly as I 'd found it and took my leaf-trembling self along to the dining car , already regretting , before I got there , that I had n't stayed until the Canadian left , knowing that I 'd wasted some of the best and perhaps the only chance I would get of seeing what Filmer had brought with him on the train .
2 It 's the only chance I shall have to talk to you . ’
3 Going to church is the only chance I get of singing — well , with accompaniment anyway . ’
4 They know that , unless I am very fortunate , the only chance I 'll have to catch them is the moment in which they take the ransom , and they know equally well that you wo n't risk your daughter 's life by telling me where that 's going to happen .
5 I nudged Toby and whispered : ‘ This is the only chance I 'm going to get .
6 The only chance I might have is when he comes in with the tray .
7 The only chance I 'd got of staying on , er , a couple of people do n't know this , it 's quite vital sometimes to become what they call an alderman .
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