Example sentences of "[prep] a dark corner " in BNC.

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1 Her name was Gail Danski , a prim-looking chick , but not so prim when you got her into a dark corner , as he had once discovered when taking her home after a school dance .
2 A large emerald ring flashed a spot of light into a dark corner of the room .
3 From a dark corner of the stairs we admired the ladies as they went up to their rooms , and then again as they descended to dinner in their elegant evening dresses .
4 Sitting there , in a dark corner of the wrecked kiosk , she exorcised those disturbing , violent images with soothing visions of the Lock .
5 She hid in a dark corner .
6 They were in a dark corner behind the bandstand in the park and had quickly gone through all the other stages , including the one Sally liked best , kissing and pressing the lower half of their bodies close together as if they were dancing .
7 I cried on reading that , quietly , in a dark corner of our hall .
8 A loaded trolley had a white cloth that looked pink draped over it and an oxygen cylinder was just visible in a dark corner .
9 Mrs Watts sat in a deep chair in a dark corner of the room but Hari had the impression that the woman was like a cat sleeping with one eye open , watching everything that went on .
10 Lungwort ( Pulmonaria offinicalis ) makes a change in a dark corner , while sweet woodruff ( Galium odoratum ) romps away in these conditions .
11 Raoul and Christine sat in a dark corner , and Raoul took Christine 's hands .
12 On the way down I fell over a man hiding in a dark corner , who ran away immediately .
13 I climbed up to the gateway of the bridge and hid in a dark corner .
14 In silence , Alexandra and Lyddy turned away and fumbled together in a dark corner .
15 The passenger was sitting in a dark corner and I could not see his face .
16 We can have ( 52 ) but never ( 53 ) : ( 52 ) Lewis left the bag in a dark corner his short answer irritated her ( 53 ) Lewis left the bag in a corner dark his answer short irritated her In suggesting the elements from which an answer can be constructed , we should bear in mind that here , as often in syntax , to assume a single explanatory factor risks oversimplifying matters .
17 I bend to look under a low archway in a dark corner and find a narrow spiral staircase , designed to accommodate only very small and undernourished skivvies .
18 Round a dark corner with an irate husband behind you .
19 ‘ Now th'can go out , ’ he said and went with her into the shadow-filled yard ; one long arm guiding her with relentless force past the lighted windows of the inn , past the well and a small cart , past James Lambert walking shakily towards the back door of the inn , to a dark corner behind a group of empty ale kegs .
20 He carried two chairs and a table over to a dark corner where they could talk more freely .
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