Example sentences of "[prep] the very heart " in BNC.

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1 These intermedii with their mixture of styles and resources , differing from earlier sixteenth-century dramatic or festive ones only in their lavishness , were not yet opera but they were the most important harbinger of opera , which just because of that mixture was gradually to supplant church music as the very heart of European music and hence establish Italian pre-eminence throughout the continent .
2 Coming down from the Col de la Pierre-Saint-Martin there is no need to drive back the way you came , through Arette , because five miles from the top you can fork off to the right and come down in sylvan splendour through the very heart of the Forêt d'lssaux , before either turning sharp left down the valley of the Lourdios and a not very good road to Issor , or carrying straight on to follow one of two better , more or less interchangeable roads back into the valley of the Aspe near Bedous .
3 ‘ … I feel an indescribable disgust , a sickness of the very heart , at the mention of the Tragedy , ’ he told Bowles , ‘ …
4 The linguistic echoes of the Miller 's Tale in the Reeve 's are intense , and , usually , located near the very heart of the tales ' character as fabliaux .
5 But what every intelligence chief longs to do is somehow to tap into the very heart of the opponent 's communication system and listen to his most secret messages without him being aware .
6 But the Russians were well aware of the grandeur of their exploit — ‘ mounting the stream of ages into Central Asia ’ , as Curzon called it , taking the ‘ fire horse ’ into the very heart of old cultures .
7 Built into the very heart of the new system is a tension between , on the one hand a central requirement ( which is also a local or individual entitlement ) , and on the other a fragmented delivery system supposedly made dynamic by competition for pupils , parental support , finance and staff .
8 Your weekend commences in comfort with a short , relaxing flight into the very heart of Scotland .
9 Both provide easy access from the south right into the very heart of the range , and both provide excellent walks in their own right should the clouds be low .
10 There was thus a source of tension built into the very heart of the new biology , a tension that was never resolved and would ultimately divide the life sciences into a chaos of competing disciplines .
11 Equally , of course , as Dearlove ( 1979 , p. 49 ) emphasizes , the inactivity of a particular section of the local population ( such as the National Union of Mineworkers in some mining areas ) ‘ may occur precisely because that interest is built into the very heart of the council itself ’ .
12 No matter , because we 're asking you to project yourself into the very heart of the Swinging Sixties myth — into the lives of the
13 Furthermore we have a series of major landscape features , er which are been referred to in the greenbelt local plan and elsewhere as wedges , which you 'll see from the map enter into the very heart of the city itself .
14 He smiled tenderly , and the knowledge that he was only doing it for the benefit of anyone who might be watching sliced deep into the very heart of her .
15 In the absence of other voices making the same moral argument sufficiently loudly , we should perhaps be grateful to hear it from the very heart of the establishment .
16 Here they were , a tiny outpost in the Diaspora , and someone from the very heart of Jewry had come to address them , someone so important that his coming all that way proved they were important , too .
17 thirtysomething is a minor source of hope from the very heart of the beast .
18 More recently there was Geoffrey Prime , who worked in the very heart of GCHQ ( see Chapter 4 ) , and Michael Bettaney , an MI5 officer whose drunken and strange behaviour was in many ways reminiscent of Guy Burgess 's yet similarly went undetected until reported by a defector ( see Chapter 4 ) .
19 Thus , safe and composed , we arrived in the very heart of Derbyshire 's beautiful and historic Peak District , looking forward to our three day stay and in plenty of time for dinner .
20 Not only that , but one imagines such huts to be found in the very heart of the wilderness , where one can not ascend a peak and walk out in a single day , and must take shelter for the night .
21 The hero , Beowulf , does battle with Grendel and Grendel 's mother , two enormous monsters which haunt the swamps — ‘ moras ’ in Anglo-Saxon — from which they emerge to wreak havoc before returning to a mere in the very heart of the fen : ‘ The lake which they inhabit lies not many miles from here , overhung with groves of rime-crusted trees whose thick roots darken the water . ’
22 This important wharf , originally lined with warehouses only recently demolished , is set in the very heart of the city amid colleges and shops .
23 I have lived in Glasgow most of my life , in the very heart of the Gorbals .
24 Thus , safe and composed , we arrived in the very heart of Derbyshire 's beautiful and historic Peak District , looking forward to our three day stay and in plenty of time for dinner .
25 Fifteen acres of rich , tropical gardens in the very heart of the city .
26 In the guise of a beggar-maid , and fair , like a fugitive princess of romance , she sat concealed in the very heart of her dominions .
27 Set in the very heart of Florence the Hotel Ambasciatori offers everything a visitor needs for a serene and pleasant stay in Florence .
28 Opposite the Cathedral in the very heart of the city is the world-famous Bayerischer Hof .
29 The mid-nineteenth century saw a major increase in the market and supply of pornography : its concerns ( flagellatory , the cross-class seduction of servants and young girls , and so on ) were often different in substance from our own ( there was little homosexuality for instance ) , but they illustrate a growing demand for fantasy fulfilment in the very heart of ‘ respectability ’ .
30 The cab drew up outside an enormous emporium in the very heart of the town , and Ellie alighted while Madame paid off the cab .
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