Example sentences of "[prep] the very centre " in BNC.

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1 Freedom of the press has a long history , but it is only since 1980 that the right to communicate and the freedom that it entails has been seen as the very centre of human rights , and indeed as a precondition for a meaningful implementation of other human rights .
2 Llewelyn caught her by the hand as she rose , with one of those warm , moving gestures of his that came so suddenly out of the very centre of his royalty , to join him by the heart with the simplest of those who moved about him .
3 She was powerless to resist him , helpless against the torrent of passion building up within her as his questing fingers slid relentlessly towards the very centre of her desire .
4 A young lady stood near the very centre of the circle , still on the arm of a much older gentleman whose attentive pose betokened a parental or protective association with his eager , fashionable young companion , who behaved as if she were very conscious of being watched and admired .
5 The thoughts dropped small and icy , into the very centre of him , paralysing all his senses .
6 But the 1950s did see the publication and extensive discussion of a key statement of political faith — The future of Socialism ( 1956 ) by Anthony Crosland , who ten years later moved into the very centre of the educational stage .
7 c , Sgr A , 10pc across , is resolved into Sgr A East , a nonthermal radio source presumably powered by supernovae ( in blue ) , and Sgr , A West , a spiral-like pattern of thermal ionized gas that appears to be falling into the very centre of the Galaxy .
8 The new stripped-pine floor vibrated ; through the sash window I could see the black truck pulling up the drive towards the main road , the silver caravan coming behind like a drogue that was preventing the gypsies from submerging , escaping into the very centre of the earth .
9 Stand in the bar and you can look out at the full expanse of San Antonio running around the bay and watch the ferries plying to and from the very centre of town to the landing stage only 50 metres away .
10 Aileen Stewart had placed an eighteen-inch pie in the very centre of the board ; its summit gleamed yellow with a basting of egg .
11 The ministry 's brief would be to ‘ make sure women 's voices are heard loud and clear in the very centre of power ’ .
12 Situated in the very centre of Ellmau , the Alte Post is one of Ellmau 's original hotels , and was recently completely rebuilt .
13 Miss Fogerty noted the clean duster folded neatly in the very centre of Miss Watson 's desk , the tidy rows of tables and chairs awaiting their occupants , and the large reproduction of Holman Hunt 's ‘ The Light of the World ’ , in whose dusky glass Miss Fogerty could see her own figure reflected .
14 In the very centre of the village , close to the church , was the blacksmith 's forge .
15 A large brass rimmed glass bowl in the very centre of the ceiling contained the main light bulb , with six other unshaded bulbs disposed along the edge of the ceiling .
16 Shadowy gloom stretched away in every direction , except for a little puddle of light in the very centre of the room .
17 ‘ La Nursery ’ may be a further example of his slightly naughty bent , for the deceptively sentimental though well-painted mood of two girls is irredeemably spoiled by the youngest child , who in the very centre of the composition , squats on a potty .
18 The ‘ nerve centre ’ of the scheme is an old building about five minutes ‘ push ’ away from the Art and Design School in the very centre of the city .
19 He arrived to find that Ibrahim had recently departed and was at Rass , another ten days away in the very centre of the peninsula .
20 While Madeleine snored in the bottom bunk Léonie fought to keep awake , to know the exact moment when , in the very centre of the Channel , precisely equidistant from both shores , the walls of water and of words met , embraced wetly and closely , became each other , composed of each other 's sounds .
21 One landed in the very centre of er East Grinstead too .
22 Other Semites , the Phoenician Zeno of Citium and Chrysippus of Soli , came to Athens and easily established themselves as masters of wisdom in the very centre of intellectual life in Greece , because they accepted polytheism and made the traditional language of Greek philosophy their own .
23 Or would have been had Gemma not insisted on remaining in the very centre of so much decay and corruption and " horridness ' , in Frizingley .
24 When we were married , you bought a flat right in the very centre of London . ’
25 Is n't this what we have at St. A. 's & St. G. 's in the very centre of the capital of Scotland , each May ?
26 Not on the outside of our lives , but right in the very centre of our being , the very heart , the core of our personality , this new life , this new birth to the only way that we can know God and receive his forgiveness .
27 She kept pushing at it with all those millions of invisible little arms and hands that were reaching out from her eyes , feeling the power that was flashing straight from the two little black dots in the very centres of her eyeballs .
28 They formed a great circle round the very centre of the site , where most eagles had died , and long lines across the moor , pointing to the north , south , east and west , that all who saw them would remember that man and eagle should be as one .
29 Yet her range of interests , in a field that has moved from comparative policy neglect to the very centre of the community care reforms , has been wider than almost all the others .
30 Aymer 's father , William de Valence ( d. 1296 ) , was one of Henry III 's Lusignan half-brothers , and his close ties with his nephew Edward I brought the family to the very centre of power .
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