Example sentences of "[prep] the other extreme " in BNC.

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1 But you do n't have to rush off to the other extreme .
2 In fact , within two years I had gone to the other extreme , washing shorts for lads who were old enough to do it for themselves , and baking cakes for the sole purpose of giving them away .
3 He reckons the pendulum has now swung to the other extreme where people acquire false regional accents to enhance their campaign cred .
4 Shifting from a position of criticism of Iraq 's invasion of Kuwait , public opinion has swung to the other extreme , of hero worship of Saddam Hussein , not so long ago viewed as an ally of India rather than of Pakistan .
5 Though I believe that Darwin laid too much stress on biotic interactions as a promoter of evolution and extinction , to the extent of substantially dismissing changes in the physical environment , there is no justification for going to the other extreme , as several examples will illustrate .
6 In some sense , it went to the other extreme , for from a totalizing history it projected a form of history in which there was no attempt to link different histories at all .
7 If the prefaces strike a sombre note , the entries go to the other extreme by being blandly reassuring and avoiding excessive detail .
8 The pendulum then swung back to the other extreme where almost no grammar was taught , but all the emphasis was on talking , using conversations in which grammatical structures occurred in an uncontrolled way .
9 Religiously , to go to the other extreme , we were partners in giving Europe a living Christian faith .
10 Trust him to go to the other extreme .
11 Today , by contrast , we 're going to the other extreme .
12 At the other extreme , the pure choice end of the spectrum , are explicit statements of choice , preference , approval , or disapproval : which party people think is best on economic matters for themselves and their families , for Britain as a whole , or for the unemployed ; their evaluations of how well each party has handled issues like unemployment , inflation , defence , health , education , and social services ; how warm they feel towards parties and their leaders ; whether the parties should change their leaders or their policies , or both ; and , last but not least , voting preferences .
13 For the survival of a society you have to have a certain number at one extreme and , therefore , a certain number at the other extreme , for without cowards there are no VCs .
14 It 's not hard to find bad ones with cubby-hole rooms , nylon sheets and towels like emery boards , but at the other extreme there are elegant houses with antique furniture .
15 At the other extreme , many historians believe that the Labour Party had simply inherited working-class support from the Liberals owing to the fact that trade unions had changed their allegiance when it became obvious that only an independent Labour Party would act in their interests .
16 At the other extreme , coins occasionally depict buildings which were never built , such as the Temple of the Clemency of Caesar on coins of 44BC , or the round Temple of Mars Ultor on coins of 19BC .
17 At the other extreme you could set up giant screens to show large images of the speaker as we do in larger conferences such as the Institute of Directors at the Royal Albert Hall .
18 At the other extreme , the NOP poll for the Independent on Sunday — giving Labour a three-point lead and putting the Liberal Democrats on only 17 per cent — would likewise result in a hung parliament , but this time one in which Labour would be the largest party with 317 seats , compared with the Tories ' 296 and the Liberal Democrats ' 14 .
19 But at the other extreme some manufacturers impose what seems an incredible loading against diesel versions .
20 At the other extreme was a father and son dairy farm where it was claimed that each was working 110 hours per week .
21 While at the other extreme the Christ on the cross was not the Son of God who had made his peace , who had just sighed , ‘ All is accomplished , ’ but the still-human man whose body was racked in agony .
22 At the other extreme , the 11,213 smallest farms received an average of £590 each .
23 At the other extreme , on the eastern Pyrenees , is the rare , semi-wild Alberes or Massanaise , which has more in common with the primitive Iberian cattle of Corsica , Sardinia and the Camargue .
24 But at the other extreme there are inner-city bureaux with a considerable need for a large staff , who struggle to recruit volunteers from a very small pool indeed .
25 For example , among those carers living with a dementia sufferer , there were some who gave little care because the sufferer did not need much , because they went out to work , or because they themselves were frail ; and at the other extreme were people who ‘ did everything ’ for a sufferer , and rarely left the house without him or her .
26 At the other extreme , referred to as ‘ top-down ’ planning , the planning department participates in , and influences the development of , strategies and plans of each business unit as they are being prepared .
27 At the other extreme , they may decide they must contrive an artificial research setting in order to exclude the operation of unwanted variables .
28 At the other extreme , there are groups who face an enormous task in realising their goals .
29 At the other extreme , many old people die during the heat waves that occur in very hot countries such as Greece .
30 At the other extreme of cost is drilled emplacement .
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