Example sentences of "[prep] around [noun] billion " in BNC.

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1 It is currently holding a gilt auction of around £3 billion on the last Wednesday of every month .
2 The British Rail pension scheme now has assets of around £8.5 billion .
3 Other forecasters are looking for a deficit of around $50 billion .
4 It has been pointed out , for instance , that in 1983 the largest 70 British manufacturing multinationals had a foreign output of around £100 billion , whereas their home production was £70 billion .
5 The report points out that energy conservation measures in the US produce an annual saving of around £100 billion — equivalent to 14 million barrels of oil per day .
6 Most analysts expect the company to record sales of around $1.8 billion for the year to June 30th — a 19-fold increase in seven years .
7 The growth rate of the ECP market has been impressive , growing from around $10 billion outstanding at the end of 1985 to $70 billion at the end of 1990 .
8 Its figure is higher than the CBO 's largely because it does not take into account the fact that the quarterly long-bond auctions had already been pruned over the past year , from around $12 billion to $1.25 billion .
9 The Institute for Fiscal Studies forecasts that the cost of the basic state pension will peak at around £35 billion ( in 1990 prices ) in 2030 ; SERPS will have risen to £15 billion from around £1 billion today .
10 Its assets have grown by an average of more than 60% a year , to around $1.5 billion in 1992 .
11 If the war is indeed costing the $500m a day that the Japanese say the Americans are estimating , then a 20% Japanese contribution would amount to around $3 billion a month .
12 This doubles to around £8 billion the total cost ofdismantling and making safe nuclear installations at the end of their commercial life .
13 Meanwhile , if oil prices remain low , America 's visible-trade deficit could shrink to around $40 billion in that period .
14 These obstacles have made it very difficult for British companies to launch takeovers on the continent , despite the fact that in 1988 the aggregate value of foreign takeovers in the UK amounted to around £35 billion , which was 73% by value of the EC total , followed by France with a mere 10% of the takeovers ; in 1990 over £30 billion worth of UK firms fell into foreign ownership , that is over four times the comparable figure in France , Germany or Spain .
15 After the separate nuclear liabilities incurred by Scottish nuclear power stations are taken into account the overall sum for nuclear waste disposal amounts to around £13.3 billion , the CEGB said yesterday .
16 At its height , in 1989 , retail sales of books in Britain were worth around £2.5 billion ; this year the figure is likely to show an actual drop .
17 To illustrate the group 's sales philosophy , Adrian Bromley sketches a long-sided , short-based isosceles triangle which , he says , represents the worldwide total market for resins , currently worth around $45 billion .
18 In America , McDonnell Douglas received its strongest warning yet from the Pentagon that unless management of the C-17 transport-aircraft programme , worth around $10 billion , was not immediately improved , the whole deal could be scrapped .
19 They include Azabu Group , which plans to sell 60 properties worth around ¥200 billion by the end of June ; Itoman , a trading company which hopes to sell and lease back its Osaka headquarters for ¥80 billion as a first step towards paying off its debt of ¥1.3 trillion , much of it owed to Sumitomo Bank ; and MDI , which wants to unload ¥50 billion out of ¥150 billion worth of residential property that it holds for development .
20 The ISE has three tiers , the main market ( Official List ) of over 2000 domestic companies with a market value of approximately £500 billion ; the Unlisted Securities Market ( USM ) established in 1980 to allow smaller companies that might find the costs of full listing prohibitive the chance to raise capital , with over 450 companies valued at around £9 billion ; and around seventy companies on the Third market with capitalisation of £O.6 billion .
21 Britain 's gross national product weighs in at around £250 billion ; that is , P£6250 .
22 The Institute for Fiscal Studies forecasts that the cost of the basic state pension will peak at around £35 billion ( in 1990 prices ) in 2030 ; SERPS will have risen to £15 billion from around £1 billion today .
23 Turnover in the country 's 67,450 pubs is static or slightly declining at around £16.6 billion a year .
24 By mid-1986 some 10 or 12 rigs should be operating in the South China Sea and by then expenditure on Chinese offshore oil could be running at around $1 billion per year .
25 Gold and cash reserves fell by around £2 billion as a result of the sterling crisis .
26 OPEC succeeded in imposing and maintaining a major increase : oil prices quadrupled during the winter of 1973–4 , raising the oil producers ' annual revenue by around $64 billion .
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