Example sentences of "[prep] hook or by " in BNC.

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1 By hook or by crook make sure that two members of staff make visits during the working day .
2 For instance , he said that the expression ‘ by hook or by crook ’ came from the period of Charles II when there were two judges called Hook and Crook and ‘ a man of straw ’ he discovered , was one who could be brought to bear false witness — recognisable by the straw in his shoes .
3 If she set her mind on something , then she had to acquire it , by hook or by crook .
4 Clues to the exact build quality on a guitar such as this lay within , which is a tall order for the humble reviewer , but by hook or by crook — or at least with a simple mirror — all is revealed .
5 By hook or by crook , and with the assistance of her brother Samuel and her in-laws , she had provided for her children in times of personal and national distress .
6 Is n't the phrase just meaningless , flung in for the rhythm , meaning no more than ‘ by pillar or by post ’ , ‘ by night or by day ’ , ‘ by hook or by crook ’ ?
7 By hook or by crook , football is being called to account for the years of profligacy .
8 We have had forewarning of a number of acid house parties and we 've managed , by hook or by crook , to stop them . ’
9 The survivors must have tried to live out their lives by hook or by crook , descending into despair and lunacy , their offspring — if any — mutating into warp-monkeys .
10 By hook or by crook crews , competent or not , were got on to striking ships , by force if by no other method ; and the union men retorted in kind .
11 Yes er that 's been the essence of what I 've wanted is er I 've , I 've had to have what I 've wanted by hook or by crook , and I do n't mean crook in a bad sense , I mean one way or another , you know what I mean and er I did job for the casters , same as they did jobs for me , you know and that 's how I 've gone through life , that is Michael .
12 ‘ Because he means to come by this house by hook or by crook ? ’
13 Despite the problems , there is considerable optimism that most WIPers will , by hook or by crook , have been given contracts by the end of the year .
14 In The Fire of Love he lashes out at those who have spent " their youthful energy in getting hold of others ' property by hook or by crook " for their own worldly security and who use their authority aggressively ( 30.139 – 40 ) .
15 Under the old system editors , writers and printers were technically free from the threat of punishment if , by hook or by crook , they managed to defeat the censor .
16 she 'll get it by hook or by crook , that 's on the , wonder she 's not in jail though for not paying I heard how many time , how much she 's borrowed over Christmas , for at , for , for er , what they call it as well you know er , what they call it Beverley her daughter
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