Example sentences of "[prep] relation to sex " in BNC.

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1 While on the whole we feel knowledge of the field-worker 's religion was not detrimental to the research , we believe it also had positive effects , in that it immediately forced respondents to confront their attitudes towards Catholics , as did the field-worker 's gender in relation to sex roles in the force , placing both issues high on the research agenda .
2 Darwin seemed near a solution in the first edition of The Descent of Man and Selection in Relation to Sex , but by the second edition he had decided that it was a problem best left ‘ for the future ’ .
3 In his Descent of Man and Selection in Relation to Sex , therefore , Darwin concluded that for distasteful species ‘ the most gaudy colours would be serviceable , and might have been gained by variation and the survival of the most-easily recognised individuals ’ .
4 Marriage is a loving , caring relationship where each thinks of the other 's good and this is especially important in relation to sex .
6 Improving Secondary Schools ( hereafter ISS ) is set within the context of the ILEA 's determination to tackle the issue of under-achievement by pupils , within a framework of a commitment to enhancing equality of opportunity in relation to sex , race and class : particular attention was to be paid by the committee of enquiry to low achievers and disaffected pupils .
7 It has the thrill of the chase and is really the only acceptable variant in relation to sex crime from the ‘ cops and robbers ’ scenario which in the eyes of most police officers is what policing is really about .
8 In relation to sex differences the results showed boys ahead in anything to do with measurement , except money .
9 Until this case , the potential of this system in relation to sex equality rights had lain dormant , as , indeed , had the potential significance of the Community principles of equality .
10 Analysis of incidences of adenoma , carcinoma , and pseudomelanosis coli was also performed in relation to sex and age groups .
11 As we know er Darwin published his great work in eighteen fifty nine cos he had to , he really did n't want to but was forced , but in eighteen seventy one he published another important book called the Descent of Man or Evolution in Relation to Sex and in this book Darwin established a principle , which a which at the time he was widely criticized and ridiculed and this was the principle of female choice .
12 What is the modern implication of pride in relation to sex ?
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