Example sentences of "[adj] degree [prep] confidence " in BNC.

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1 We want to have some degree of confidence in that er the parameters that we estimate right have remained relatively constant over our sample period .
2 Projects of this type generate high levels of motivation not only because they are worthwhile but also because they imply a high degree of confidence in the young people .
3 ‘ Progress to date gives a high degree of confidence of success , ’ says Wright .
4 The visitor is either a person holding a high judicial office , or is advised on questions of law by such a person , in whose decision on matters of law it is reasonable to repose a high degree of confidence .
5 Kilkenny have acquired just the right degree of confidence and resolve and unless Galway can produce the unexpected then the Leinster champions will reign supreme for another year .
6 Mistakes of that sort apart , it would seem that , as had always been the case , some sort of checking system was needed to give lenders the required degree of confidence to carry on , and that the more thorough and ‘ scientific ’ it was the better for both borrower and lender , the more effectively it reduced the incidence of overindebtedness , and saved borrowers from overstretching themselves and indulging in mad bouts of impulsive buying .
7 Others echoed his opinion , with differing degrees of confidence .
8 He might justifiably refuse to guarantee a full return to health in the near future yet still be prepared , if asked , to express a reasonable degree of confidence about your recovery prospects which should be enough to satisfy many employers .
9 But it also reflected a considerable degree of confidence .
10 Environmentalists have ceased to feel any degree of confidence in talking about emotion .
11 But to be able to handle borderline or other problematic cases with any degree of confidence we need a firmer characterisation , grounded in more basic intuitive judgements of the kind introduced in the previous chapter .
12 As I see it , the considerations set out above and taken as a whole lead irresistibly to the conclusion that , when considering the expression ‘ any person ’ in the sections , it is impossible to identify any particular limitation which can be said , with any degree of confidence , to represent the presumed intention of Parliament .
13 The scatter at the high end — small numbers of authors publishing large numbers of papers — is so large that a straight line can not be fitted to this graph with any degree of confidence .
14 The scatter at the high end — small numbers of authors publishing large numbers of papers — is so large that a straight line can not be fitted to this graph with any degree of confidence .
15 If you can answer all those questions , with a fair degree of confidence , about your product , you should have been able to decide what your brand 's strengths and weaknesses in the marketplace are .
16 As the number of fossils increased , more and more examples of fairly continuous fossil sequences were discovered , allowing paleontologists to analyse the historical development of some groups with a fair degree of confidence .
17 If for example the result of acoustic front end processing on the word actually was out by a single feature , ( either through error , or just because the speaker had pronounced it that way ) , and reported the string the match would fail , even if the information following the allowed the word actually to be hypothesized with a fair degree of confidence .
18 The survey by accountants Price Waterhouse and Manchester Business School says definite signs of recovery include a greater degree of confidence in sales growth , and a rise in companies planning to increase capital expenditure .
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