Example sentences of "[adj] [noun pl] for failing " in BNC.

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1 We are the only country that 's been condemned in in the European courts for failing to meet the E C drinking water standards .
2 Conservationists criticized the Spanish authorities for failing to take sufficient measures to rescue oiled seabirds , and suggested that they were covering up the extent of the damage .
3 In 1982 , he sacked on the spot several high-ranking officials for failing to maintain an adequate food supply to the main market in Bucharest — as if it was their fault that there was nothing to show the General-Secretary when he put in a surprise inspection visit .
4 Jeffery and Sheila Parfitt blamed social services for failing to help when the burden of care overwhelmed them .
5 UK Environment Minister David Trippier , speaking to UNEP 's governing council in Nairobi , criticized other European countries for failing to provide adequate support , which he claimed was jeopardizing key UNEP work on global warming and the ozone layer .
6 He was again imprisoned in 1677 for six months for failing to attend the Church of England 's services , but for the remainder of his life was free , devoting himself to his pastoral duties and his writings .
7 The heir to the £100m Blenheim estate is set to serve 112 days for failing to pay more than £10,000 in maintenance to his estranged wife Becky , and now also faces new charges of attacking police sent to arrest him yesterday .
8 All except Bir Zeit ( on the West Bank ) had now opened or were preparing to open , but Bir Zeit had been informed at the end of August that its closure would be extended by three months for failing to ensure that its campus would not be used as a centre for anti-Israeli activity .
9 The success of American Football in Britain illustrates a growing antipathy towards our national games for failing to change with the times .
10 Judges will have powers to fine litigants for failing to turn up at court hearings .
11 And this he can do unless there are restrictions on the transferability of the shares or unless there are good reasons for failing to apply for registration .
12 , English Nature has been strongly criticized by environmental groups for failing to go through with plans to designate a threatened peat bog as a site of special scientific interest ( SSSI ) .
13 The anti-green lobby will have to find better reasons for failing to clean up motoring .
14 The Borough Council , at a special meeting , decided to entirely discontinue public lighting and fines were imposed at the petty sessions for failing to obscure indoor lights .
15 Following the recent prosecutions of the BBC and several other major companies for failing to prevent outbreaks of the disease , many premises managers have found that the threat of expensive law suits focuses the mind wonderfully on the need for Rentokil 's Water and Ventilation Service .
16 He was also given three-month sentences for failing to keep his vehicle at the scene of a crash and for failing to give information concerning the accident to the gardai .
17 Many of the ‘ social ’ or non-commercial objectives imposed on the railways by the state remain unacknowledged ; they are not incorporated into calculations of state financial compensation and state control has thus been weakened since railway management has been given reasonable pretexts for failing to meet targets .
18 In the late 1620s , some Calvinists attempted to obstruct the collection of money for the repair of St Paul 's , and throughout the 1630s large numbers of churchwardens were summoned to appear before the ecclesiastical authorities for failing to introduce the required changes to the lay-out of their churches .
19 The Prince of Wales has criticized both developed and developing nations for failing to take steps to safeguard the global environment .
20 Prince Charles was also critical of northern nations for failing to address adequately issues such as global warming , ozone depletion and marine pollution , and to " remove the barriers in the world economic and trading system that make sustainable development in the third world more difficult " .
21 Guerreiro had been widely criticized among environmentalists and Indian organizations for failing to take a sufficiently active role in defending native peoples ' interests .
22 And when Kennedy was shot , the ‘ psycho ’ Hoover botched the FBI investigation personally , ignoring evidence that there might have been more than a single gunman involved , sending agents to question the background of the Warren Commission 's staff , punishing his own agents for failing to spot Oswald 's violent nature .
23 Ideally he should have indicated to them that there might be other reasons for failing to reply , other than guilt .
24 This woman has been prosecuted four times for failing tio send her daughter to school .
25 Both the Indonesian and Malaysian governments have criticized Western countries for failing to provide assistance to tackle the fires , and have accused the West of demonstrating hypocrisy in attacking forestry policy in the region while failing to respond to the crisis .
26 KATRIN KRABBE , Germany 's double world sprint champion banned for four years for failing a drug test , yesterday made her rallying debut in the Dubai International .
27 It recommended disciplinary action against the department 's bureau of political-military affairs for failing to stop the violations .
28 Tony Stevens is facing a fine of eleven hundred pounds for failing to meet his sales targets .
29 And he criticized the South African Police for failing to send back personal possessions belonging to 30-year-old Julie , who was born and brought up in Churchtown , Southport .
30 The code received a warm reception from conference delegates but several caterers in the audience criticised their local EHOs for failing to present a united front on the interpretation of regulations .
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