Example sentences of "[verb] presided [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 For instance , a great deal of development has occurred within enterprise zones , and the Urban programme has presided over a wide range of projects .
2 In office , doffing his hat to ‘ fairness ’ , he has presided over a wild game of insults and shadow-boxing between Americans , Europeans and Japanese .
3 However , the most damning indictment of the Conservative government 's record in housing is that it has presided over a massive increase in homelessness .
4 He has presided over a degree of prosperity unknown under his predecessor , Sukarno .
5 The Coulson Professorship of Theoretical Chemistry falls vacant on the retirement in September 1994 of Professor N.H. March , who has presided over a separate department .
6 The government has bombarded savers with opportunities to buy shares — generally on the cheap — in recognisable and profitable enterprises , it has tempted them with a succession of tax breaks designed to promote share ownership , and it has presided over the most sustained equity bull market of modern times .
7 As Dunleavy and Rhodes ( 1987 , p. 23 ) argue , the government ‘ has presided over the proliferation of single-function quasi-government agencies ’ .
8 The Secretary of State has presided over the loss of hundreds of thousands of jobs in the defence industry in recent years .
9 TONY Greener , who took over as chairman of Guinness last year , has presided over the first fall in its annual profits for more than a decade , reflecting the effects of the recession on sales and margins and the high marketing spending necessary to support the group 's premium brands .
10 The neglected , but instructive , sub-text to the passions aroused by the BBC director-general 's financial affairs is the ambitious and contentious agenda of reforms over which he has presided in the run-up to the renewal of the corporation 's charter .
11 West Yorkshire , having presided over a massive expansion of rail traffic in recent years , is pushing for more electrification in the wake of the successful completion of InterCity 's electrification to Leeds .
12 If Mr Major , having presided over an economic recovery , should also win the next election , the Tories would come within striking distance of Sir Robert Walpole 's record of 21 unbroken years in office , set between 1721 and 1742 .
13 He was regarded as the architect of the PLO 's security and counterintelligence apparatus and was frequently assumed to have presided over the creation of the Black September organization , which was active from 1971-73 and whose actions included the attack at the Munich Olympic Games in 1972 .
14 It was no longer that he had been a member of the murder gang , but that he had presided over a meeting of UDA officers in order to plan it .
15 Eisenhower had presided over a period of grim Cold War tension which he , like most Americans , believed had been caused by the ambitions of world communism .
16 In that capacity he had presided over a campaign against corruption , and more positively over a relaxation of the restrictions upon private trade and local government .
17 Following Barr 's ruling , Judge Marvin H. Shoob , who had presided over a criminal case arising from the BNL affair , criticized the Attorney General on the grounds that plea bargaining within the case had denied any opportunity to probe the affair fully and had left unanswered numerous crucial questions concerning the government 's role .
18 There , he had presided over a society only slightly less diverse than that of the Caucasus and had fostered its development without trespassing dangerously on local sensibilities .
19 Sir John had been a Conservative councillor and had presided over the National Industrial Relations Court for the two and a half years of its existence during the Heath administration .
20 The day before his election Kim had presided over the 18th plenary session of the sixth Korean Workers ' Party central committee which approved the appointment of Choe Kwang and Han Song Yong to the politburo .
21 García had presided over the distribution of semi-automatic rifles and ammunition to the self-defence groups during a visit to the area in early December 1989 .
22 On Dec. 2 , as a result of the first all-German general election since November 1932 , Helmut Kohl of CDU , who over the preceding months had presided over the unification of Germany [ see pp. 37761-63 ] , was returned to office as Federal Chancellor .
23 Superior Court Judge Stanley M. Weisberg , who had presided over the King trial , on May 15 ruled that the principal assailant , Officer Laurence M. Powell , should be retried on a felony assault charge .
24 Appeals by defence lawyers for the charges to be dropped were rejected by the prosecution , and federal judge Royce Lamberth , who had presided over the initial trial , set Oct. 19 as the date for George 's re-trial .
25 At both the Annual General Meeting , and the Council Meeting earlier that day , tributes were paid to Mr Flemington for the energy and commitment with which he had presided over the Institute and promoted its work .
26 As chairman of the 1848 committee on the peasant question Alexander had presided over the cancellation of the one statute enacted between 1825 and 1855 which allowed serfs to buy their freedom irrespective of the wishes of serf-owners .
27 Palladius had presided over an already organised congregation , probably along Ireland 's south-eastern coast .
28 The king withdrew in great weariness and exasperation of mind from his son 's manor of Kennington , where he had presided over an anxious council on Wales , and took refuge in mid-June in his castle of Berkhamsted , with only his intimate household about him .
29 Mr McGregor says he 'll be sorry to leave his old job where he 's presided over the education reforms .
30 Both Labour and Conservative governments since the Second World War have presided over a massive expansion in building , including 21 new English towns — three in the North-East .
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