Example sentences of "[verb] precedence [prep] [pos pn] " in BNC.

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1 England suffered to some extent from a similar gulf between her real power and her ceremonial status during the Interregnum of 1649 – 60 , a gulf in this case deepened by the widespread hostility aroused by the execution of Charles I. For several years the standing of the representatives abroad of the various Commonwealth governments was seriously weakened by the disappearance of the monarchy : in 1654 , for example , the Danish ambassador in Sweden claimed precedence over his English equivalent since the latter was acting for Cromwell , a mere protector , not for an anointed king .
2 When in 1769 at a ball in St James 's palace the French ambassador in London , the comte du Châtelet-Lomont , risked provoking a diplomatic incident by pushing forward to assert precedence over his Russian colleague , Count Chernyshev , he was felt by most contemporaries to have been rude and indiscreet rather than to have shown a proper concern for the honour of Louis XV .
3 This was a rather naïve reaction on the part of Bell ; as the senior presidential advisers knew only too well , there is always a danger that cabinet members will develop a relationship with their department that takes precedence over their loyalty to the president and his programme .
4 For field staff , common sense takes precedence over their scientific inclinations .
5 ( 2 ) Will conflicts like the following restrict you ? ( a ) Conflicts of client interest ( the traditional conflicts ) : in many firms with mixed practices , the partners ' interest in maintaining work from insurers or corporate clients nearly always takes precedence over their interest in private plaintiffs .
6 The prevailing ethos today is that the state not the individual is responsible for his welfare , that the erosion of private property rights and the control by the state of many areas of our lives is legitimate and welcome and that the distribution of wealth must take precedence over its creation .
7 Henri II insisted that , as a reigning monarch , she must take precedence over his daughters .
8 A testator would not set out to establish a trust , or to confirm his will in trust form , hoping that in details his intention would take precedence over his words : the civil law already coped with these problems , and the law of trusts was able to follow rather than lead .
9 ‘ Please do n't worry about it , ’ said Julia , childishly hurt that he was not prepared to let her needs take precedence over his work , but struggling as usual to be reasonable .
10 Surely this — gentleman — understands that a prior commitment must take precedence over his needs tonight . ’
11 Where spray bottles are more widely used and there is a risk of confusion colour coding is desirable and such a provision would take precedence over our control needs .
12 Our desire to please them will take precedence over our own needs , and our self-possession will be compromised .
13 The occasional over-indulgence on the odd night out — when ‘ a lot of what you fancy ’ has taken precedence over your normal eating habits — matters not .
14 This is expected to take precedence over their paid employment and their leisure .
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