Example sentences of "[verb] tend to be " in BNC.

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1 The consumer goods that engineers make tend to be the kind of things that people buy when they move house , like cookers and fridges .
2 Long wheelbase tractors are more stable with heavy rear loading and need less front weight to balance a given load , but do tend to be less manoeuvrable .
3 Also many LDCs have large state sectors , i.e. government ownership of industrial corporations , which do tend to be wasteful and inefficient , thereby resulting in a mis-use of scarce economic resources .
4 But these cases do tend to be the exception rather than the rule , so it is sensible to consider , briefly , some of the negative aspects that can sometimes be a part of the ‘ caring ’ situation .
5 ‘ Scots do tend to be rather inhibited about interior design , ’ she acknowledges .
6 No , no , I know what you mean , and on the whole yes , you 're right ; your modern fairy-tale — I do n't just mean what 's miscalled ‘ science fiction ’ , but all the stories that feed the modern hunger for the supernatural — they do tend to be more or less moral now .
7 The fact is , as we shall see , that different media do tend to be rather better for different things — you can not get a lot of information into a 30-second TV commercial , for example .
8 Nevertheless , over time many authorities ' spending patterns do tend to be perpetuated ; the high spenders on education remain high spenders , the low spenders on services for the elderly remain laggards .
9 These Eastern types — you know , Czechs , Ruskies , that lot — do tend to be a bit morose but their hearts are in the right place . ’
10 The biggest , the Fortune 500 corporations , often take the question of corporate identity very seriously and , although the wages they offer are not necessarily any better than those of other companies , their facilities and non-wage benefits do tend to be superior .
11 When you get angry you pump all sorts of different chemicals around your body and they do n't do your body any good that 's for sure , you know you get the adrenalin that starts making everything well making the blood move faster heart beat faster you get other chemicals ready and if those chemicals are n't used properly or if something does n't happen and it uses those particular chemicals and they 're left inside the body then that causes eventually physical illness in some sort of physical wearing of some sort or another , so gradually just the opposite of this where you 're you 're not internalising your throwing it out , but there 's a hell of a lot in there that 's been stored up there and bottled up there before it throws out , and when you do tend to be aggressive it 's not because you 're being aggressive on purpose it 's because it 's just something that just happens and wells up when you get to a particular point and whoosh out it comes .
12 I 've had two or three I think , very rarely do we find them and shapers tend to go out on a limb they tend to want to lead they tend to want to control they want people to follow their way they do tend to be the people that dig in and say you know this is the way we do it .
13 Actually they do tend to be , do n't they ?
14 They do tend to be labelled , yes .
15 I mean I 'm speaking of someone whose work is of a different kind , and they do tend to be labelled probably because they seem to be around a lot , and obviously have some political influence on the area .
16 But the range does tend to be very crowded .
17 There has been a fairly consistent finding in such studies that this does tend to be the case .
18 In many ways that does tend to be a common occurrence on new shows when nobody has yet seen the type of programme the Producer and Story Editor have in mind . ’
19 An uneven geographical distribution is also characteristic of tourism , one of the few industries that does tend to be found in the remoter rural areas ( see chapter 9 below ) .
20 Moreover , they found ‘ that spending does tend to be higher in areas suffering from adverse conditions ; and that such high spending is associated with inner city deprivation ( immigrants , overcrowding , and one-parent families ) rather than with traditional working class areas ( unskilled workers and large families ) ’ .
21 So er it does tend to be as I say solely about wills well draw it out if you 've got anything else you may not have .
22 Erm he does say in the course that residential is better because i it does tend to be a very intensive erm course .
23 Installing these does tend to be substantially easier on a Macintosh because here the screen is of a fixed resolution .
24 While this is more than adequate for word processing and so on it does tend to be restrictive when considering A4 or even A3 pages .
25 This does tend to be rather an out-of-the-way place , I 'm afraid .
26 Th the boats are fine but the the main human interest in it does tend to be , in fact , the personally , the two dogs has has more prominence in the picture than this chap , which is a pity .
27 It is a simple indication that the US economy is the most powerful in the world ( despite the fact that it is in relative decline ) and that global economic activity does tend to be measured in comparison with the sorts of economic activities with which the United States is mainly involved .
28 ‘ But it does tend to be more expensive because of overheads . ’
29 Admittedly , when young , one does tend to be annoyed by remarks such as , ‘ My grandad 's older than your dad ’ , and become increasingly frustrated by mum 's , ‘ When I was young a shilling would buy ’ lectures , but this is merely a passing phase .
30 yes whereas Martin although it is his job but he does tend to be a little bit more difficult than he needs to be .
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