Example sentences of "[verb] little support [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Johnson found little support among them for the reformist policies of the government of the day .
2 As a result the expansionist economic policies favoured by David Lloyd George found little support amongst electors and , thus , in parliament .
3 Industry critics further point out that the EIUG 's worries last year about sharp price increases did n't materialise , and such international price comparisons as there are provide little support for its case .
4 Studies using those that do exist provide little support for the rational expectations hypothesis .
5 Dr Donald Clarke , of the British National Party , was not present and a show of hands suggested he has little support at the independent girls ' school .
6 Multiracialism is not what it was , and the NAR has little support among the ( largely Indian ) rural sugar workers , or among the ( mainly black ) urban poor .
7 The lofty official view is that the agitators in favour of an entirely fresh deal — or preferably none at all — with the CFTC command little support among the membership and distract the association from grappling with real issues such as Globex , the Chicago Mercantile Exchange 's putative electronic trading system .
8 However , we noted in Table 16.4 that the UK composite tax rate is currently less than 40 ( 10 , and reductions below this level receive little support from econometric studies .
9 The two regions were more industrially developed and russified and showed little support for the IRP .
10 These plans for a fundamental reshaping of democracy in Britain find little support outside the party , but there are those who consider that the interaction between parliamentary and extra-parliamentary action constitutes a dual strategy that provides a viable third road to socialism .
11 While it was aware of the threat of a general strike of seamen in May 1911 , it saw little support for this outside the United Kingdom and the United States , where Andrew Furuseth , president of the International Seamen 's Union and a close ally of Wilson 's , had taken a leading part in the agitation for an international dispute .
12 His most public action , the boycott of the 1980 Olympic Games in Moscow , won little support outside America .
13 Forest had virtually disappeared as an attacking force , with the outnumbered Clough receiving little support from midfield .
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