Example sentences of "[verb] actually gone [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Monica 's section is , I do n't know how fair it is , but a lot of the pressure that was previously on Steve and before him on Margaret has actually gone to Gail 's post .
2 If one cuts through all the technicalities and complexities of the document , which has actually gone to the Social Security Advisory Committee , it is perfectly clear that that was the core intention behind the Government 's move .
3 But , much worse , as the decade comes to a close , the development process has actually gone into reverse for large parts of the world .
4 Rozario finding Collimore , that 's a great turn by Collimore my word the shot has actually gone into the second tier of the stand behind the goal .
5 Guy Thomas , who 'd actually gone to RADA , gave me a book on breathing .
6 There was a rather pleasant man , called Chaudhry , who showed worrying signs of having actually gone to Oxford .
7 The fact that quite a lot of effort had actually gone into actually going int having negotiations with the Local Authority to , to rehouse all the tenants .
8 It was odd enough to see that rather feminine room crammed full with so many stern , dark-jacketed gentlemen , sometimes sitting three or four abreast upon a sofa ; but such was the determination on the part of some persons to maintain the appearance that this was nothing more than a social event that they had actually gone to the lengths of having journals and newspapers open on their knees .
9 That round , soft face with its clear blue eyes and straight nose , those small , pretty hands , the plump frame swathed in shawls , all that had actually gone to Afghanistan 60 years ago , had taken part in the adventure that had provided the myth and the burden of Alexandra 's childhood .
10 ‘ And , ’ he pursued pleasantly , ‘ I certainly had n't guessed that you had actually gone to the trouble of speculating on my reactions — to illness or to anything else , ’ he added quietly .
11 They had heard the unnatural humming of a pylon in the summer air ; and had actually gone beneath it , on Fiver 's assurance that it could do them no harm .
12 And he , for his part , was feeling so euphoric that instead of shouting to his son to get up and stir his stumps , he had actually gone in there and put the envelope on Adam 's bedside table .
13 So when you 've actually gone into pubs have you do you ever go just you and your girlfriend , into thi into this pub ?
14 They 've actually gone from a full service back to this level because this is what they 've found is what people need and obviously this is surely what we should be able to do , erm I think that you know by providing the extra ten thousand my concern now is that we actually make sure that our offices are fully covered here .
15 No , because over the last six years we 've actually gone from bottom of the pile to tenth from bottom .
16 So the doctor 's definition must say , yes , she 's confined to home , because of , the incapacity , whatever it may be , or she 's actually gone to a recognised medical institution , hospital , nursing home , whatever it may be .
17 Cos I mean I 'm , I quite often use that as spendable income , because if I allow it to accumulate in a gross account , in a year or two it 's actually gone beyond the
18 It 's once you 've allocated it it 's erm you know it 's actually gone from your from your calculation .
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