Example sentences of "[verb] probably [be] told " in BNC.

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1 He may need to do all this , and to ventilate his fears of a future without her ; but he has probably been told since he was three years old that ‘ boys do n't cry ’ , and that men must always show courage and maintain the stiff upper lip , so he may deny himself the relief of lowering his defences and ‘ letting go ’ which society expects the widow to do quite naturally .
2 As your husband has probably been told , he needs to cut down on fat , and on saturated fat in particular , to lower cholesterol levels .
3 Jesus had probably been told about Zacchaeus and so was able to call him by name .
4 The simple way there as you 've probably been told by your tax officer here is just to reclaim it at the end of the tax year .
5 She 's probably been told to .
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