Example sentences of "[verb] in early september " in BNC.

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1 The head of the United Nations Environment Programme ( UNEP ) , Mostafa Tolba , claimed in early September that a Swiss and an Italian company were seeking to take advantage of the civil war in Somalia by dumping toxic waste in that country .
2 Heavy fighting involving Kurdish pesh mergas ( guerrillas ) and government troops was reported in early September in parts of northern Iraq .
3 Some schools , like Newcastle 's Northern Counties School , were evacuated in early September but soon returned to their proper premises .
4 The Rev. Donald Macaulay , chair of the Western Isles council which had lost £23,000,000 , resigned in early September and two other senior officials of the council were suspended on Sept. 11 .
5 A crisis within the Labour Party was precipitated in early September when the National Executive refused to endorse William Mellor , editor of Tribune and secretary of the Labour Unity campaign committee , as Parliamentary candidate for Stockport .
6 The draft union treaty was clearly superseded by these developments , and as the Kazakh president , Nursultan Nazarbaev , told the USSR Supreme Soviet when it reconvened in early September , only a much looser confederation would satisfy the aspirations of the republics that still wished to establish some kind of association .
7 Due to circumstances beyond the control of the plaintiff the last delivery was made in early September rather than late August .
8 A start to the new session will be made in early September .
9 The elections for it were promised for the following year and already by the time of the secretary of state 's television broadcast in early September both the NIO and the Ulster political parties were evolving respective plans .
10 The height of peasant unrest in the Central Agricultural Region was reached in early September 1917 ; the epicentre was the Koslov uezd of the Tambov guberniia , from where the killing of landowners and sacking of estates spread rapidly to Kursk and other neighbouring gubernii .
11 A Central Bank plan to complete a 950,000 million cruzados ( approximately US$14,000 million ) liquidity squeeze by Sept. 17 began in early September .
12 Meanwhile , another source of tension in southern Lebanon was eased in early September when the rival Shia militias Amal and Hezbollah signed a ceasefire agreement .
13 Following her Aug. 29 announcement of willingness to negotiate ceasefire agreements with the various groups in conflict with her government [ see pp. 37657-58 ] , Aquino announced in early September her acceptance in principle of a limited ceasefire with communist insurgents , and also with rebel soldiers led by the fugitive officer Gregorio Honasan , in northern areas affected in the July earthquake [ for which see p. 37613 ] .
14 Following persistent pressure on the government from the United States embassy , President Vinicio Cerezo Arévalo admitted in early September that there was a " possibility " that elements of the security forces had been involved in the murder of US citizen Michael Devine on June 8 .
15 European markets were further unsettled in early September by monetary developments in Finland and Sweden , both of which were applicants for EC membership [ see pp. 38834 ; 38353 ] and both of which — following a similar step by Norway [ see p. 37782 ] — had in 1991 associated their currencies with the ERM [ see pp. 38297 ; 38202 ] .
16 It is expected to arrive in early September and will take part in the Autumn Steam Gala on Saturday , Sunday , September 26 and 27 together with a selection of Great Western locomotives .
17 Apply in early September for 1993 's destination , China .
18 Col. Jean-Baptiste Bagaza , who had come to power in a coup in 1976 , and had been elected President by direct suffrage in August 1984 , was overthrown in early September 1987 in a bloodless armed forces coup led by Maj. Pierre Buyoya [ see pp. 35631-32 ] .
19 All I can find out from the organisers is that ‘ preliminary judging will take place between 1st June and 14th July and final judging will be completed in August and results announced in early September ’ .
20 Vietnam issued protest notes in early September to the Chinese government demanding that it halt " illegal " oil exploration in Vietnamese territorial waters in the Gulf of Tonkin .
21 The meeting had been jeopardized in early September by Prince Sihanouk 's refusal to travel to Jakarta .
22 In Turkey the government had in early September been voted powers by parliament to contribute forces if it deemed necessary .
23 The North Atlantic Treaty Organization ( NATO ) and the Western European Union ( WEU ) had in early September offered 6,000 and 5,000 troops respectively for UN forces protecting humanitarian convoys .
24 Miss Symonds , at a women 's meeting held in early September , energetically denied the charge : " This is absolutely untrue .
25 The Federal Electoral Institute released in early September the final results which corrected preliminary estimates of the Aug. 18 mid-term congressional elections but which confirmed that the ruling Institutional Revolutionary Party ( PRI ) had won a huge majority of seats in the Chamber of Deputies , the lower house of the Congress [ see p. 38385 for details of other simultaneous elections ] .
26 The Reserve Bank of India ( the central bank ) , in its annual report published in early September , forecast that economic recovery would be weaker than expected .
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