Example sentences of "[be] descended from the " in BNC.

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1 In 1270 this usurping Agaw dynasty was overthrown by Yekuno Amlak , whose claim to be descended from the Aksumite princes Has accepted .
2 I am not sure whether John was aware of a tradition among some of his distant cousins that the family originated from Poland , possibly in a Count Cranko , romantically supposed to have been descended from the founder of the city of Krakow .
3 I came to believe that Yá2wshu must have been descended from the importunate widow , for he seldom left me alone in those early months , and I was glad to crawl under my mosquito net at night , only to be woken at earliest dawn by my faithful and dutiful friend .
4 This suggests that either there is some ‘ best ’ code on which all organisms have converged , or that all existing organisms are descended from the same simple ancestor , and that the code has not changed since .
5 Hagedoorn , who states that the Lakenvelders are descended from the original smallish , horned Dutch milk cattle .
6 The racists are a problem because they are descended from the brown- and black-shirted enemies of earlier days .
7 All the mitochondria in you are descended from the small population of mitochondria that travelled from your mother in her egg .
8 All the creatures pictured on the page are descended from the dot but , in order to avoid cluttering the page , I have n't printed all the descendants that I actually saw .
9 The study now reported began with the author recognising from an examination of the name ‘ Forsey ’ that although the second syllable had obviously developed from the Anglo-Saxon haeg ( with the noun prefix ge ) and the Middle English hei/hey , meaning enclosure , it seemed unlikely that the first syllables fors and furs were descended from the same root word , and the fact that Dr Reaney had cited widely separated counties for their ( rather late ) emergence was a further slight pointer .
10 Using the argument that the Jews , not being a definite community , were not His Majesty 's subjects and therefore not under the protection of his laws , and quoting the Gospel of St John that the Jews were descended from the devil , Leese 's defence was partially successful .
11 The ethnically Japanese burakumin ( lit. ‘ hamlet people ’ ) were descended from the outcastes of the Tokugawa period .
12 The Kalanoi in their turn were descended from the Persian magi ( fr. 5–13 Wehrli ) .
13 Ammianus also thought that they were descended from the Romans .
14 This doubt allowed the possibility of a claim by his rival , Matthew Stewart , earl of Lennox , even though by the rules of primogeniture Arran had the stronger case ; for he was descended from the son of James II 's daughter Mary , whereas Lennox was descended from her daughter .
15 But Luke also makes it plain that John the Baptist , through his mother , was descended from the priestly dynastic succession of Aaron — which would mean , of course , that Jesus was too .
16 When he jokingly referred to the story that he was descended from the Devil he meant no disrespect to his ancestor Woden .
17 His father was descended from the Javanese nobility , priyayi .
18 Alexander had to argue with the authorities before they would let him compete , but he convinced them that he was descended from the royal house of Argos .
19 Robert Deane 's daughter married William Dalison of Grays Inn , who was descended from the Dalisons of Lincolnshire and claim descent from one De Alanzon who came over with William the Conqueror .
20 He was built like a Greek god — or like one of the Norse warlords of old , and it was n't hard to believe the publicity material which said he was descended from the Vikings .
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