Example sentences of "[be] rumoured [prep] [be] " in BNC.

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1 At Liverpool clubs , the toilets are full of catsuited girls who look at you as if you 're rumoured to be a child molester .
2 There are rumoured to be some hard men in town .
3 The $8bn damages which Touche Ross , liquidators of the Bank of Credit and Commerce International , are rumoured to be seeking from Ernst & Young and Price Waterhouse for their role as BCCI 's former auditors , are causing a certain amount of grim humour at Becket House and Southwark Towers .
4 Illinois outfit The Poster Children are rumoured to be supporting the band on all dates , although there was no official confirmation as NME went to press .
5 These expectations are rumoured to be confirmed by an Audit Commission report on fundholding due for publication last September but delayed .
6 Two big Chicago House DJs are rumoured to be rolling up later to take us into town .
7 Hereford cider producers Bulmers had been rumoured to be considering a bid but in the end have apparently not tendered an offer , fearing a referral by the Office of Fair Trading to the Monopolies Commission .
8 Guy 's Hospital in London has been rumoured to be heading down the opting out path , although recently a group of consultants at the hospital expressed their opposition to the idea .
9 It had been rumoured to be carrying Nazi treasures or secrets , but survivors from the German submarine crew doubt whether any major treasure will be discovered .
10 Actress June Brown , 65 , had been rumoured to be unhappy with some storylines and upset when market stall holder Pete Beale played by Peter Dean was axed .
11 She said more parents were rumoured to be planning to transfer their children .
12 Industry bosses were rumoured to be reconsidering their plans , possibly curbing the increases to 10% .
13 It was cluttered , as full of silver-framed souvenirs as those of the Princess of Wales were rumoured to be .
14 Nothing more was heard of Cargo , who were rumoured to be considering dropping the loaves outside Dutch territorial waters , until a month ago a number of loaves of bread were found washed up on the Dutch coast .
15 When Mandru was in residence , he commanded a performance at least once a day as part of his Ixmaritian devotions , which were rumoured to be half-hearted at best .
16 And I have spent all morning saying it can not possibly be true , that you devote all your time to your aunt , that you have scarcely left the house in over a month and all the time you were doing just what you were rumoured to be doing !
17 ‘ None of us could be sure if we would have a job tomorrow ; the uncertainty was preventing us winning new business ; and we had looked at the various companies who were rumoured to be bidding for us and did n't like what we saw . ’
18 Towards the end of the 13th century , the Abbot had two mills , the foundations of at least one of them ( the precinctual mill ) being rumoured to be beneath those of the present Abbey Mill .
19 There 's no Windows version yet — although it 's rumoured to be on its way — so if you want to move over to the GUI there 's no upgrade path for the time being .
20 He 's rumoured to be gay , ’ she added , seeing Loretta 's surprised expression .
21 A nut-brown man by South Kensington standards , he is light-skinned in the West Indies : he is a Chinese Negro , who thinks of himself as a hakwai Chinee — hakwai , he explains , being ‘ Chinese for nigger ’ — and who has not failed to notice that Emily Brontë 's Heathcliff is rumoured to be the Emperor of China .
22 The asking price now is rumoured to be in the region of £15m .
23 He knows better than that , and anyway he is rumoured to be paying the Italian genius a lot of money for his one-box design vision that forms part of BMW 's long-rumoured MPV programme .
24 She has recently started a new job and feels attracted to a senior female colleague who is rumoured to be gay .
25 TVS is rumoured to be teaming up with Carlton Communications ( a video distributor ) , Canal Plus ( a French cable-TV company ) , and the Compagnie Générale des Eaux ( a utility with various media holdings ) .
26 America West Airlines , which is based in Phoenix , is rumoured to be thinking of starting a service between Phoenix and Kuwait .
27 MICHAEL Jackson is rumoured to be releasing a new single before Christmas : a duet with fellow cartoon character Bart Simpson titled ‘ You 're Bart , Man ’ .
28 The style is rumoured to be very photographic , in any case , very simple and severe . ’
29 The next release from Maestro Alex Gregory , ex-pat Brit , self-styled justice commando and complete , authentic nutter is rumoured to be entitled ‘ Paganini 's Last Stand ’ .
30 DEC is rumoured to be pressing for a Unix SVR4 personality on top of OSF/1 : remember it already has SVR4 for its telecomms stuff .
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