Example sentences of "[be] dominated by [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The lifetime of the Thatcher governments has been dominated by large-scale unemployment .
2 The boom in Third World popular music has been dominated by African musicians , though Asian influences are beginning to break through ( note the way modern Arab music is first reaching Western ears through the filter of the Yemenite Israeli Ofra Haza ) .
3 It is a mark of these half-crazed times that my programme of meetings , which once would have been dominated by political and scientific academy briefings , now includes something calling itself the Academy of Entrepreneurship , and an appointment with accountants advising more inward investors .
4 It seems to me that lot of it 's been dominated by various sort of rather obscure sounding Germans .
5 Until recently , he complains , theories of literacy have tended to be based on instructional techniques rather than linguistic theory : research on reading has been dominated by experimental psychology , with the kinds of results we saw above ( Chapter 1 ) .
6 The essay form has been dominated by scientific models of objectivity , and , as I have already said , students have relied heavily on the repetition of the views of their teachers or the critics , views often not in accord with their own personal response to the texts being studied .
7 However good the intentions it is possible in retrospect to see that the drift towards the modern corporatist welfare state has been dominated by secular humanism .
8 In the 1695 Election support for the war was the major national issue , but most election contests appear to have been dominated by local rivalries and concerns , and in fact there was relatively little controversial pamphleteering at this time , despite the recent expiry of the Licensing Act .
9 Dickinson 's view that early Anglo-Saxon archaeology lacks a good theoretical framework is an extraordinarily isolationist one , when archaeology has been undergoing a revolution in thinking since the beginning of the 1960s and which has been dominated by theoretical considerations appropriate to all archaeological periods , including the post-Roman periods .
10 For some years now , the amateur market has been dominated by one-piece machines and separates have virtually disappeared from the scene .
11 In addition to the customary dry analysis , this year 's edition will put Japan 's side of an argument that has , until now , been dominated by American and European critiques .
12 So a ‘ climax state ’ for the modern industrial city is one in which the central areas are dominated by powerful business interests .
13 If sleep is taken at an unusual time , the changes associated with it ( the release of some hormones , the type of sleep ) will be affected to different extents depending on whether they are dominated by external factors or the body clock .
14 Alright , a , another reason erm , we could term asset fixity , it 's in general erm , fixed , fixed factors , right , erm , or fac factors of production in agriculture are dominated by fixed factors , right .
15 However , just as hardware systems are dominated by engineering thinking , macro-systems are dominated by economic thinking .
16 Other areas of conifers are found in the High Weald and on the Lower Greensand , but the heavy soils of the Low Weald are dominated by deciduous woodland .
17 THE URBAN COMMONS of Manchester are dominated by Japanese knotweed ( Polygonum cuspidatum ) , forming large clumps and thickets on nearly every site .
18 Madeira is the main island of an archipelago , and the rocks are dominated by alkaline olivine basalts and their differentiates ( chiefly hawaiites and mugearites ) that are unusually rich in Na , and have been dated at 3Myr ( refs 22 , 23 ) .
19 It is potentially an unequal conflict , as rural councils are dominated by various combinations of local and newcomer middle classes ( Newby et al .
20 Global organizations like the World Health Organization ( WHO ) are dominated by Western medical science , and their work on mental health by psychiatric medicine .
21 The reasons for this are many — the sheer size of the square , the three surrounding sides that are dominated by elegant palazzo walls that add a solidity that speaks of permanence , but mostly the Duomo , the cathedral , whose façade is among the most beautiful in the world ; in the sun , its marble is eye-achingly white .
22 Too often they are dominated by smooth committee men in light grey suits with lukewarm words which swill around the mouth like watered-down lemonade .
23 In the Iliad Olympian theology and morality are dominated by space-like rather than time-like concepts , the cardinal sin being hubris , that is , going beyond one 's assigned province .
24 But for the rest of the year they are dominated by dead plants .
25 Encounters with professionals are dominated by medical and therapeutic interventions designed to return us to ablebodiedness to assist our physical and psychological ‘ adjustment ’ to personal limitations .
26 The employers , the Federation of Bakers , are dominated by British Bakeries and Allied Bakeries .
27 As a result sectors such as Paper and printing , that are dominated by large companies , are more likely to show improved export results .
28 No one with any experience of political meetings or grass-roots political movements and organizations can fail to have noticed how easily and naturally such groups and gatherings are dominated by white , bourgeois educated males .
29 He indicates that , with the control of premature mortality largely the result of reducing mortality from infectious diseases , the pattern of population morbidity will be dominated by chronic diseases .
30 Casework loads tend to be dominated by short-term ( or even crisis ) work ; service development — which demands long lead times — is easily squeezed out .
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