Example sentences of "[be] widely believe to have " in BNC.

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1 It will be argued that such factors may have had considerable influence on what are widely believed to have been exclusively ‘ political ’ decisions .
2 Such an action seems rather cavalier in relation to someone whose feet and ankles are widely believed to have the potential to be valued in seven figures .
3 The Japanese system of subcontracting has attracted much popular attention , especially in the motor industry , where it has been widely believed to have improved Japanese industrial efficiency by promoting specialized investment and technical innovation by supplier-firms who , in turn , have their sales guaranteed if they perform effectively .
4 The arrests were widely believed to have inflicted a serious blow to the organization 's command structure and its ability to continue with its 22-year guerrilla war .
5 Aquino expressed her disappointment that , after an exhaustive legal process , the court had not directly implicated those , including the Marcoses , who were widely believed to have ordered the crime [ see p. 37716 ] .
6 Suleiman Franjieh , the elegantly dressed ‘ excellency ’ who expatiated so eloquently on the back of the tourist map about Lebanon 's hospitality , security and stability , is widely believed to have participated in the machine-gun massacre of members of the rival Douaihy family near the town of Zghorta in 1957 .
7 Though the official death toll was given as 22 , it is widely believed to have been far higher and Xinjiang television showed footage of troops mutilated by knives , corpses floating in cesspools and burnt-out vehicles .
8 The name most associated with long-wave theories is Kondratiev , a Soviet economist , who is widely believed to have been the first to develop the theory .
9 A BBC Scotland task force last year is widely believed to have proposed greater autonomy for the corporation 's Scottish operations .
10 The DUC condemned the sabotage , which was widely believed to have been carried out by militants from outside the local area .
11 Finally , we must be concerned by the fact that in at least one school ( see Chapter 5 ) the senior member of staff whose demand for IS resources was widely believed to have instigated the original project initiative could not himself describe how he used the project acquisitions in his own work .
12 He was widely believed to have been interned in a labour camp in the mid-1930s ( a fate shared by the greater part of the clergy ) , and again for a year immediately after the Second World War , following military service .
13 Abe was a prominent candidate for the leadership in October 1987 , but eventually withdrew in favour of Noboru Takeshita , in what was widely believed to have been an agreement that he would succeed Takeshita after his two-year term .
14 Iraq , for its part , was widely believed to have condoned the " hot pursuit " of the Kurdish activists , who had been conducting guerrilla activities against the Turkish authorities for some 20 years , and indeed it had signed agreements to this effect during the 1980s .
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