Example sentences of "[be] sitting talking to " in BNC.

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1 so I 'll be sitting talking to Donna , cos Donna , Helen and Jenny be sitting in one group with Sarah , they 'll be chatting away and I 'll be sitting in the middle , sitting on
2 I was sitting talking to him — Chet dropped me off there and after a couple of hours Chet came back and was talking to Scotty , and I was thinking , ‘ If I was a music writer , this would be just pure gold ! ’
3 He was sitting talking to a middle-aged , bearded man dressed in a curiously outdated suit which he was wearing shirtless , over a vest .
4 I was sitting talking to the skipper in his cabin when we heard the wheel go hard over .
5 And also , if she came in when I had the triplets it meant that erm you know , she was sitting talking to me when I wanted to be playing with them and taking them out and getting on with doing things with them .
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