Example sentences of "[be] about 30 [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ There must have been about 30 pairs in the drawer but I just happened to pick the one with the money .
2 In fact there are about 30 types of mosquito in the UK .
3 The museum , said to be about 30 feet long , was the largest room .
4 After the election , there are likely to be about 30 Etonians on their benches , compared with 43 in the last Parliament and 68 the last time the party was led by one of their number ( Sir Alec Douglas-Home in 1964 ) .
5 The man who collected the cash-card is said to be about 30 years of age of medium build with black curly hair and clean-shaven .
6 Again there were about 30 soldiers .
7 They were about 30 miles away however .
8 There were about 30 comments of the type , " Very easy to use " , " No problems " and " Straightforward " .
9 The maximum amount of sediment likely to be deposited over that period along the coast generally is about 30 centimetres and we know that hurricanes will certainly rearrange that amount of material .
10 The maximum height of barchans is about 30 metres ( loo ft ) and their maximum width and length about 400 metres ( 1300 ft ) .
11 After all , landfill gas — mainly methane — is about 30 times more potent as a greenhouse gas than carbon dioxide ! ’
12 The cost and the estimated monetary value of the worktime lost came out to $1,231 , which is about 30 times the legal monthly minimum wage .
13 The capital of Sardinia , Cagliari , is about 30 miles away and well worth visiting for its many museums and churches .
14 The Government must be reminded that the average age of the labour force in the coal mining industry is about 30 years .
15 In general , the first growth of German , French and Belgian railways was about 30 years after the first British lines .
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