Example sentences of "[be] of [art] utmost " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Attention to personal appearance and hygiene are of the utmost importance to a receptionist . ’
2 Measures to reduce unemployment are of the utmost importance and have been outlined above .
3 Finally , even if , as I believe , the lower figure is nearer the true rate , I do not doubt that all such deaths are of the utmost importance and will continue to represent a major therapeutic challenge and that perhaps nearly all will eventually be prevented .
4 If you do use the prepared violets they should be employed where their brightness and clarity are of the utmost importance .
5 Movements of base level are of the utmost importance in understanding landforms in most parts of the world , for the earth 's surface is in an unstable period of its history .
6 The costs involved in civil litigation are of the utmost importance to the parties — they may prevent an action ever being brought , they may render a victory in court Pyrrhic when damages are swallowed up in costs , they may prevent a meritorious appeal and they will always be a factor in the risk of litigation .
7 The legal implications of these events are of the utmost significance .
8 But these considerations which , as we shall see later in this book , are of the utmost significance for our principal theme , also touch on a paradox to which the reader 's attention must be drawn .
9 Food is taken seriously — with all the walking done every day , Fran and Robin Jacobs believe a good breakfast and dinner to be of the utmost importance .
10 The most recent developments may prove to be of the utmost importance and to have the most lasting consequences .
11 Geographical variables , such as regions and populations , may be of the utmost significance to suppliers of such goods as delicatessen foods or skiing equipment , for example .
12 In 1946 , Trinidad and Tobago held their first elections under universal suffrage and , for these politically and culturally fragmented islands , the ensuing decade would be of the utmost importance , for it would see the emergence of a political leader who , through the Peoples Nationalist Movement , would revolutionise the political life of the colony whilst propelling it toward independence .
13 For these reasons the Department considers it to be of the utmost importance that the form is used in all of the appropriate circumstances and clearly it will help if it can be completed right after the incident has taken place .
14 Both the Ras and his wife appear to have been very anxious and nervous about the child , and I feel that it would be impossible for me to refuse without risking his friendship which will be of the utmost importance to us in the future .
15 Photographs can be put to witnesses during the course of examination in and out of Court and can be of the utmost importance in cases where vague descriptions of a locus , machinery , etc. would be detrimental to advancing a strong defence in Court .
16 Hygiene practices being of the utmost importance , it is necessary to use a food storage system that adheres to all legal requirements .
17 Both causes were of the utmost importance .
18 In particular in the sophisticated world of alchemy , the resonances of chemical and other truths were of the utmost importance .
19 And it is of the utmost importance to realise that the pragmatic answer to these questions is itself what makes the revolution never happen .
20 It is of the utmost importance that the Rawlsian method of argument requiring unanimity behind the veil of ignorance should not be defended on the ground that otherwise the resulting principles would not be fair because unanimity is a condition of fairness , or by any other moral argument .
21 Analysis of competitors and competitive markets is of the utmost importance to each company , and in all six the planning departments have a significant role to play in this analysis .
22 At a time when no one else may seem to approve of them , and they may not much like themselves , it is of the utmost importance that teenagers should feel wanted and loved by their parents .
23 It is of the utmost importance for individuals to understand that the acceptance and comprehension of the origin of the Created God demands mental effort , or alternatively , faith in the ability of others to comprehend and instruct .
24 It is of the utmost importance that we continually experiment with things such as venue , lighting , perfumes etc .
25 Professors Berry and Mott are right to stress that the support of the child and the family is of the utmost importance .
26 In this context , Edward s assumption of the title and arms of Ring of France at Ghent in 1340 is of the utmost significance , for it allowed him to pose as an alternative government in France and attract the loyalty of those who for whatever reason were discontented with Valois rule .
27 Anyone who has to deal with the public or who is in continual contact with other people as part of their job must always be aware that attention to their appearance and personal hygiene is of the utmost importance .
28 Handling is of the utmost importance .
29 It is of the utmost importance to see how sites decay and how they appear when they are excavated , and these were the earliest type of experiment to be conducted .
30 The actions of such a council are of general public importance and the free discussion of their activities is one aspect of the right of freedom of expression which is of the utmost importance .
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