Example sentences of "[be] susceptible to [adj] " in BNC.

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1 So long as teachers are made to feel guilty about such difficulties in a negative and personal manner then they will be susceptible to short-term placebos .
2 Otherwise , he argued , many Germans might be seduced by the lure of a neutral , but unified Germany which would inevitably be susceptible to Soviet influence .
3 With most major life events , it is likely to be very difficult both to identify people who have recently experienced an event and find out which of them are likely to be susceptible to psychiatric disorder as a consequence .
4 Some of the required information may be susceptible to precise description in numerical terms such as body size and strength , but most of it will be of the ‘ awareness ’ kind when the designer recognises broadly that particular kinds of people have particular advantages and limitations .
5 Recently some migrant African and Chinese populations have also been found to be susceptible to non-insulin dependent diabetes , and people of European origin might be the only true ‘ low susceptibility ’ group .
6 Peirce could probably allow the same : his position rests upon the belief that there is a logical guarantee that induction will take us to the truth in the long run , but that our confidence in the short-run efficacy of the method is simply an ‘ acritical ’ commonsense certainty which may be susceptible to scientific explanation .
7 If you have a Caribbean or African background you may be susceptible to high blood pressure and to diabetes , but less so to heart disease .
8 The word ‘ environment ’ , for instance , suggests disclosure to potential buyers of areas within high radon emission levels or properties which are susceptible to other environmentally hazardous substances .
9 Children with protein energy malnutrition as those in this study , are susceptible to chronic infection in spite of high concentrations of immunoglobulins , suggesting that their humoral immune response is probably defective .
10 All networking cables are susceptible to electrical interference and should be located away from sources of this electrical ‘ pollution ’ .
11 Mice expressing the Min trait ( multiple intestinal neoplasia ) develop large numbers of adenomas in the small and large bowel and are susceptible to gastrointestinal cancer .
12 The combination of grain size plus grain morphology therefore dictates which grains are susceptible to brittle fracture ; these grains are commonly thin walled skeletal fragments ( Fig 5.1 8a ) , including bryozoans ( Meyers , 1980 ) , mica flakes ( Fig. 5.18b ) and plant material ( Fig. 5.18c ) ( Ting , 1977 ) .
13 Strongyloides infective larvae are not ensheathed and are susceptible to extreme climatic conditions .
14 The implication for competition policy would be profound , with the realisation that big operators are susceptible to hit-and-run entry from independent companies .
15 We have been trying to din into the heads of the electricity boards an inkling that different people are susceptible to different levels of radiation exposure and that there is no safe level .
16 Barn owls are susceptible to bad weather , though , because a hard winter can kill their food supply even if they resist the cold themselves .
17 The purpose is to ensure that those bodies that are susceptible to judicial review have carried out their public duties in the way it was intended they should .
18 ( d ) hearings before the Panel are susceptible to judicial view by the English courts in certain circumstances but the courts have indicated that it would be rare for a Panel decision to be overturned ( see below ) .
19 All courtroom advocates of all kinds are susceptible to wasted costs orders .
20 Some cases are susceptible to medical treatment , some require intensive nursing care , most respond to education and training and a small minority may be so severely impaired that they may be detained in hospital or placed under guardianship .
21 They are already extinct in five of these , and nearly so in four more , because of habitat destruction and because chimps are susceptible to human diseases .
22 Great-Aunt Alicia had always been susceptible to good-looking men , Sara reflected , and then had to admit to herself , but never feeble-minded about them .
23 The theory , if such it can be called , which underwrote this use of the survey , was a " naive empiricist structuralism " according to which social structural facts about a society were susceptible to factual observation and description using the survey method .
24 Mr. Beloff , who appeared for Lautro , conceded that in this court Lautro had to be regarded as a body whose decisions were susceptible to judicial review .
25 He reminded us that this court had recently held that decisions of the Professional Conduct Committee of the Bar Council were susceptible to judicial review ( Reg. v. General Council of the Bar , Ex parte Percival [ 1991 ] 1 Q.B .
26 The simplest criterion for the distinction between a skill and a task is that a skill description is susceptible to individual differences but a task description is not .
27 The 1959 Mental Health Act defined mental disorder as : mental illness ; arrested or incomplete development of mind ; and psychopathic disorder — the last a controversial category further defined as ‘ a persistent disorder or disability of mind … which results in abnormally aggressive or seriously irresponsible conduct … and requires , or is susceptible to medical treatment ’ .
28 As Book V 's conclusion makes clear , even Justice in his moment of apparent triumph is susceptible to unexpected interference .
29 My own belief is that tunnels are very emotive places and if one is susceptible to paranormal events a tunnel is just the sort of place for it to happen .
30 However , the system is susceptible to high losses in bad weather .
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