Example sentences of "[conj] refusing to be " in BNC.

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1 Pushing at a line of policemen or refusing to be moved on is acceptable ; throwing bricks is not .
2 Application for revocation of an order for committal of the debtor under s 23(7) of the Attachment of Earnings Act 1971 must be made to the judge ex parte in writing explaining the reason for failure to attend court or refusing to be sworn or to give evidence , and undertaking to comply in future ( Ord 27 , r 8(2) ) .
3 The essential ingredients of gaining control of your time are knowing what is important and what is less so , ruthlessly putting your precious time and energy where it will produce the highest return and refusing to be swamped with other people 's inefficiency .
4 All over the world individuals are asserting themselves and refusing to be codified , or grouped or collectivized .
5 For the first time , perhaps because by now there was a " critical mass " of older and more experienced women to take a lead , we find some women taking a stand specifically on the definition of skill , and refusing to be absorbed into an " unskilled union " .
6 Morbidly inward , unforgiving , Cave goes against the grain of the times by being sick but refusing to be healed and integrated .
7 We could say that the conflict in any modern marriage is between the needs of self , the needs of the partnership ( each partner wanting to support the other , but refusing to be swamped by or subjugated to the other ) , the needs of children , the needs of the family as a group and the needs of those outside the family .
8 ‘ Basically , by staying here , but refusing to be drawn .
9 Hardly able to see a hand in front of her , but refusing to be daunted , Luce moved as fast as she dared down an alley-way little more than a metre wide .
10 Is it true that , while refusing to be interrogated by the House and on television , he is carrying out government by press conference , as he is holding one tomorrow ?
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