Example sentences of "[conj] lie [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Method 1 : Sit in a comfortable chair or lie on a bed or the floor — whichever you prefer .
2 For the question whether a property is present here can never be different from or lie beyond the question whether we have the best possible evidence that it is present .
3 Sit or lie in a comfortable position , read through the exercise and then follow these steps .
4 Much of the time , I could do no more than lie on the wheelbarrow to hold it down .
5 As can be seen from figure 7.1 , these cover a number of coastal zones as well as upland areas that lie outside the parks , such as the Quantocks , Cotswolds , Chilterns and Sussex Downs .
6 N-terminal regions that lie outside the HMG box are clearly critical to the role that SSRPs play in cellular functioning .
7 According to studies into the side on which men ‘ dress ’ , seventy-five per cent have penises that lie to the left when they 're fully clothed as opposed to a mere seventeen per cent that have penises that lie to the right .
8 According to studies into the side on which men ‘ dress ’ , seventy-five per cent have penises that lie to the left when they 're fully clothed as opposed to a mere seventeen per cent that have penises that lie to the right .
9 I want every house in Albert Terrace and any that lie between the terrace and the town checked .
10 THE NOBEL Prize for physics has been awarded to three scientists who developed ultra-precise techniques that lie at the heart of modern atomic clocks .
11 17 Throughout our work we were acutely aware of the differing opinions that are held on a number of issues that lie at the heart of the English curriculum and its teaching .
12 The starry-eyed idealists who start revolutions , he told himself , are incapable of visualising the horrors that lie at the end of them .
13 It is a lack of respect , a feeling of our own superiority and our pride that lie at the root of this response .
14 The aim is that entertainment on pay-TV will pay for the more innovative plans , including two way transactions down the cables , that lie at the heart of the cabling idea .
15 In his presidential address to the Society for the Study of Social Problems , Wheeler ( 1976 ) claimed that ‘ the patterns of illegal activity that lie at the core of large-scale corporate , industrial society … have been almost totally neglected ’ .
16 This point is made not in the interests of pedantry , but because it bears directly on the criticisms of current approaches to the global system that lie at the heart of this book .
17 Not only does Dame Sirith advertise her professional ability to repeat the trick , or to obtain for a man the woman he wants in the way he wants , and thus anticipate her ability to star in an extended series of fabliaux that the poet may tell , but the language and prosody convey certain points that lie at the heart of the fabliau perspective .
18 We respond to the sense of completeness given by four points that lie on a circle .
19 Instead of picking out creatures that are buried , they collect spire shells and crustaceans that lie on the surface and they find them by sight .
20 The points that lie on the intersections of the horizontal and vertical Cantor sets will be points through which trajectories pass that do not leave our small region of interest in either forwards or backwards time .
21 As he grew older , the villages and tents and armies of this world were fading away but the white cities and the armies that lie beyond the senses shone more brightly by day and by night and Hamza hastened to death on roads lined by the army of Prophets .
22 Belief that ultimate reality is timeless is deeply rooted in human thinking , and the origin of rational investigation of the world was the search for the permanent factors that lie behind the ever-changing pattern of events .
23 A parent has to try to ‘ read ’ the child to understand the feelings that lie behind the outburst .
24 Throughout this book I have suggested that it is important , in training children , to convey a reasonably coherent idea of the aims and objects that lie behind the training and supervision .
25 Instead they concentrate on the interests that lie behind the positions .
26 Of equal importance are the source and nature of the raw materials and of the effort and organisation that lie behind the crafts and skills described .
27 Whether Curran and Seaton would agree with the principles that lie behind the above proposals is very doubtful .
28 Organization can not , of itself free the teacher from the hours of planning and thought that lie behind the achievement of successful learning in his students .
29 My brief visit certainly brought home to me the grim realities that lie behind the many statistics on Third World debt .
30 It consumes many times the global budget of the UNHCR in supporting a self-selecting minority , without addressing the real problems that lie behind the asylum-seeking flows .
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