Example sentences of "[conj] relying on [art] " in BNC.

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1 One might compare the difficulty with that of trying to write rules for how one might indicate to someone of the opposite sex that one finds them attractive ; while psychologists and biologists might make detailed observations and generalisations about how human beings of a particular culture behave in such a situation , most people would rightly feel that studying these generalisations would be no substitute for practical experience , and that relying on a text-book could lead to hilarious consequences .
2 The draftsman should , therefore , insert in the lease a positive covenant to keep the demised property open for trading during normal hours ( rather than relying on a negative user covenant " not to use the property otherwise than as … " , which would permit the tenant not to use the property at all ) .
3 An important finding was that many relied on their own transport and went to stay with friends and relatives some distance away , rather than relying on the 19 official evacuation reception centres .
4 Private borrowing is likely to rise by the same amount and may rise by even more if the privatised company is able to borrow freely from the market rather than relying on the government .
5 In general , SCSI is a better bet than relying on the parallel connection .
6 A full house survey , where you brief your building surveyor individually rather than relying on the shorter though cheaper housebuyer 's report , can be an expensive matter .
7 communications , where people prefer formal communication from the department rather than relying on the ‘ grapevine ’ ;
8 There is little to see , and users must make up their own minds on whether it covers their needs , rather than relying on the opinions of others .
9 Along with marketing to attract more customers , the management changes throughout the sector have required that senior academics transform themselves into planners , seeking to attract money towards their work , rather than relying on the previous expectation that it would fall like manna from the principal 's office .
10 It is better to include a specific provision in the standard terms to prevent a party proving a variation of the standard terms , or a collateral contract , rather than relying on the parol evidence rule .
11 When the life of a child can so easily hang in the balance , is there not a case for recommending that all parents attend a practical course in first aid , rather than relying on the printed page ?
12 Although it is now possible to use a system of notation , choreographers still prefer to create directly on the human material , working on it and relying on the dancers ' own memories to repeat what has been designed on and for them .
13 They do this by modifying the NTSC colour signal to mimic PAL , and relying on the fact that many modern PAL TV sets can by good fortune cope with 525 lines and a 60Hz field rate .
14 While this issue has not been expressly considered , it seems fair to assume that rather than incur the risks inherent in giving the board so wide a discretion , and relying on the usually well-founded assumption that the shareholders ' dominant purpose is to increase their individual wealth , the court , at the price of some distortion , would define the interests of the members exclusively in terms of their personal financial well-being .
15 Obviously it should not be possible to evade the statutory immunity by pleading the genus and relying on the species as unlawful means , but there would seem to be no statutory protection if the unlawful means take any other form such as nuisance or trespass .
16 ‘ So you see , what with the Church never keeping adequate records and relying on the personal network all the time and the patronage system doing the same but relying on a different network , we 're all rather in the dark . ’
17 In his speech to the Polish parliament he said that the changes in Eastern Europe provided a historic opportunity to build a Europe made up of independent democratic states , not divided into blocs and relying on the protection of superpowers .
18 ‘ So you see , what with the Church never keeping adequate records and relying on the personal network all the time and the patronage system doing the same but relying on a different network , we 're all rather in the dark . ’
19 France , with a much smaller manpower than Germany ( at most some 6 million potential servicemen to Germany 's nearly 10 million ) , also employed conscription but with a different object , for the French regarded their conscripts principally as reserves for such tasks as garrison duty , while relying on the professional army of some 1 million men quickly to win an opening campaign and then the war .
20 A coffin-maker could look up to a funeral furnisher rather than to an undertaker ; an undertaker might have respected the funeral furnisher in as much as he could afford to buy in his coffins ; whereas the funeral furnisher , whilst relying on the coffin-maker , looked down on the undertaker ( Col. 2 ) .
21 Speech production is seen as relying on the reverse process — that is , the ability to translate abstract ideas into speech sounds and to articulate those speech sounds in such a way that they are comprehensible to other people .
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