Example sentences of "[conj] influence in [art] " in BNC.

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1 The squire and the rector , and the traditions which they represented , had no power or influence in the squalid housing estates which grew up round each new factory and mill .
2 If I want group members ' approval , I will accept the dictates of the group about my role , even though I might not accept that influence in a one-to-one relationship .
3 And more importantly than that , what was a Pakistani doing in a position of power and influence in a publishing house ?
4 The movement 's critique proclaimed a uniqueness and originality for its discoveries to which it was never entitled and which served only to reinforce the self-deluding image of its own power and influence in the world .
5 Their power and influence in the Whitehall market-place has waxed , waned and waxed again since 1945 .
6 The main threat to our position and influence in the world is now political and economic rather than military ; and our policies should be adapted to meet the changed situation .
7 It rested on two basic assumptions : that Britain 's power and influence in the world depended upon a sound economy ; and that by making the fullest use of nuclear weapons , missiles , and modern transport aircraft , men and money could be saved for the country 's economic benefit .
8 In the opinion of Sandys ’ opponents , his and Macmillan 's emphasis on the independence of Britain 's nuclear deterrent was creating gross misconceptions of her real power and influence in the world .
9 All the more significant credit decisions are made under the orders , or with the approval , of politicians , who maintain their ‘ strongholds ' ’ and influence in the banking system through their control over appointments ( no management position in a bank can be obtained without political approval ) . ’
10 The history of the house of Armagnac at this time is poorly documented , but a greater dependence upon sources of income , power and influence in the gift of the French crown seems evident .
11 The more fundamental causes of conflict lay far deeper — in the basic conflict of two powers anxious to expand their interests and influence in the same region .
12 In his memoirs President Carter 's National Security Adviser , Zbigniew Brzezinski , relates that he had urged Carter already in February 1979 to abandon earlier plans to demilitarise the Indian Ocean and to adopt a new ‘ security framework ’ to reassert American power and influence in the region .
13 Furthermore , a father 's position of power and influence in the home may render any form of direct threat unnecessary , particularly where the girl is of low intelligence , immature or dependent .
14 Those of us who are citizens of the United Kingdom who live north of the border have benefited from my right hon. Friend 's sagacity and influence in the Cabinet and are vastly privileged by the statement that he has made today .
15 Reporting to the President , and comprising the Defence , Interior and Foreign Ministers , the KGB chief , and " top scholars , specialists and public figures who enjoy prestige and influence in the country " ; responsible for ensuring the " external and internal security of the country and its indissoluble unity " .
16 These people , the commissioners said , should then be removed from positions of authority and influence in the ANC .
17 From the 1200s onwards Lothar 's family , the Conti of Segni , occupied the west slope of the Viminal and the area behind the forum of Nerva and they had property and influence in the rione Monti , where the Colonna and the Frangipani were also settled .
18 Thus Forrestal reflected in July 1946 that the United States might have to tolerate much that it did not like about British conduct and influence in the Far East .
19 Furthermore the British , despite the Cold War , were still determined to recover as much as possible of their former independence and influence in the world .
20 The National Council advised the Bristol conference of the League of 1935 : We must not allow ourselves to be diverted into activities definitely condemned by the Labour Party which will jeopardize our affiliation to and influence in the Party .
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